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VortexBox (LMS) Spotify?

Has anyone using LMS been able to get the lower level functions of Spotify to work? I'm using the 3rd party plugin and search/playing music through my module works fine, LMS hosted on a VortexBox. The issue is when I get down to the track or album/artist level and I want to add/remove to/from library or "Star" the track there doesn't appear to be any means via CLI which is how everything else works. Other non 3rd party apps work fine since they use the same XMLBrowser scheme but not the 3rd party Spotify plugin when we get to these level functions. I've been able to work around this in testing when I get to this point by opening another socket on port 9000 (CLI uses 9090) and send GET commands and then I'd have to parse/scrape the returned web page for feedback which is a PITA. Has anyone been able to figure out a way to get these functions to work through the CLI?
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