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TPControl (BETA) for Windows 8 / RT - let’s get ready to rumble!

Thanks to everyone for patiently holding out for the start of the TPControl (BETA) for Windows8 / RT!

We have had a fantastic response to our BETA registration invites, having opened registrations on the 1st November, 2012. Many of you had already expressed interest over the year, since we first announced TPControl was coming to the Windows platform. Anyone who missed out getting a registration form filled in, simply drop us an email to support@touchpanelcontrol.com with the subject “Please let me in to the Win8/RT Beta!” and we will get you fixed up.

All pre-registered BETA testers receive time-limited TPControl Beta Tester Tokens for use with their devices, so check your email in-boxes for an email titled “Special token(s)” from us. If you need additional tokens for other test devices, let us know. We’ll pop our hands in the Xmas stocking and see what we come out with! The tokens are valid for 180-Days from the date of first registration of a device. If you need to, they can also be deauthorized for re-use on a different device.
Those BETA testers who are shining examples; that being, those who are active in testing and providing great feedback with clear explanations and examples when reporting, may just find a token morphs into something a little more permanent ;)

Please feel free to create/join-in discussions here in the TPC BETA Sub-forum.

The super-important stuff...
PLEASE review the Setup Guide http://www.touchpanelcontrol.com/guest/tpcontrol/Win8RT/TPControl%20(Beta)%20for%20Windows8-RT,%20TPCloud%20and%20TPTransfer%20guide.pdf It includes specific details on how to get up and running, and lists a few of the features and commands that we currently do not support.
More importantly, it does not contain the things that we do not know, do not work... :) Essentially, that’s where you guys and gals come in - let us know what is broken or missing. But don’t forget, also let us know what you like!

HELP! When I have problems or questions, what should I do?
Firstly, did you read the Setup guide? http://www.touchpanelcontrol.com/guest/tpcontrol/Win8RT/TPControl%20(Beta)%20for%20Windows8-RT,%20TPCloud%20and%20TPTransfer%20guide.pdf
Excellent, we knew you did...
When you come across problems (yes, we expect you will) or simply have a question, please let us know. Questions are great for the forum, whereas posting bug reports is best handled via our regular Support HelpDesk here: https://www.touchpanelcontrol.com/helpdeskultimate/customer/
You can also send reports directly to support@touchpanelcontrol.com which then automatically enters the Support HelpDesk system.
When submitting bug reports please ensure you include a detailed description of the method to replicate the problem including the build/version of TPControl experiencing the problem. Also, please include any relevant resources in a single ZIP or RAR archive. i.e. a code block or workspace, and TP4 file. Ensure you include the DeviceID you are using if you send in just a compiled TKN file rather than source code.
The more information we get, the better chance of replicating the problem, and then getting it sorted ASAP.

New builds
Builds will be distributed in a single ZIP archive, and include two variants:
1. Win32: suitable for use on desktop/laptop computers running Windows8 (32bit or 64bit)
2. ARM: suitable for use on ARM processor based devices, such as Microsoft Surface

Builds will be posted/updated regularly during the Beta, as features are improved/updated/added, and of course as bugs are squashed!

To keep you from further champing at the bit, get the current Beta build here:


Logan Moore
Touch Panel Control
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