Wrong freq on AXB-RF
in AMX Hardware
I am trying to find out if it's possible to change the freq on a AXB-RF. I have 9 units and none of them are 433mhz. Has anyone done this? Would be interested in trading 2 for 1 also if someone has one extra.
- There are a few different versions of these receivers, some of which can be retuned and some which cannot.
- The ones that can't be retuned have an RF RX daughter board. These can be replaced simply by buying a $10 RX receiver module and whacking it on a bit of veroboard to replace the original board.
- From memory, depending on the receiver module you may need to invert the output using a simple single transistor inverter.
- Check this link for a discussion http://www.amxforums.com/showthread.php?98-Retuning-an-AXR-RF
- Check this link for the technote referred to above as the original link is broken http://www.amx.com/techsupport/techNote.asp?id=340
I made the mistake of buying a VPT-CP and AXB-RF from someone without checking they were the same frequency. I used this guy in the receiver to get it to talk to the VPT-CP http://www.jaycar.com.au/productView.asp?ID=ZW3102
If you are interested and ask nicely I'll dig mine out and pop the lid off for some happy snaps.