problems receiving messages (some get lost)
Hello again!
i´m facing some problems with a Radvision´s XT1000 videoconference connection.
First, i stablish the connection like with many other devices, using an ip_client connection
And it sometimes takes minutes, trying once and again...
And second, once the connection is made, some broadcast messages sent by the videoconference (status messages mainly) are lost by the master, and i´m sure that the messages are sent by the videoconference because i can read them in a telnet software at my PC, but the Master doesn´t.
Any idea why is it happening?
Is there a way to "force" the Master to read its "dev" input buffer faster or something?
Thanks in advance!
i´m facing some problems with a Radvision´s XT1000 videoconference connection.
First, i stablish the connection like with many other devices, using an ip_client connection
And it sometimes takes minutes, trying once and again...
ip_client_open(dvVidConf.PORT,acIpVidConf,nVidConfPort,IP_TCP)Note: "nVidConfPort" is 55003.
And second, once the connection is made, some broadcast messages sent by the videoconference (status messages mainly) are lost by the master, and i´m sure that the messages are sent by the videoconference because i can read them in a telnet software at my PC, but the Master doesn´t.
Any idea why is it happening?
Is there a way to "force" the Master to read its "dev" input buffer faster or something?
Thanks in advance!