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problems receiving messages (some get lost)

Hello again!

i´m facing some problems with a Radvision´s XT1000 videoconference connection.

First, i stablish the connection like with many other devices, using an ip_client connection
And it sometimes takes minutes, trying once and again...
Note: "nVidConfPort" is 55003.

And second, once the connection is made, some broadcast messages sent by the videoconference (status messages mainly) are lost by the master, and i´m sure that the messages are sent by the videoconference because i can read them in a telnet software at my PC, but the Master doesn´t.

Any idea why is it happening?
Is there a way to "force" the Master to read its "dev" input buffer faster or something?

Thanks in advance!


  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Need to show the code. The string_event handler and function call if the handler calls one for processing/parsing the rx data. Next it would be nice to see your connection handling code, where it's called and re-called, etc. online, offline, onerror stuff. Otherwise there's not much advice anyone could give.
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