My duet install is misbehaving, anyone kind enough to help?
Hi All,
I wonder if someone could help. The Duet install appears to be goosed ;(( Just when I wanted to settle down and work on my Java skills, when I open Cafe Duet and select: Window -->preferences --> duet, I now get a message "com.amx.util.cafeduet2.preference.DuetModulePreferencePage" ... I searched for this on my system and it appears that the file: org.eclipse.ui.PreferencePages is missing ;( WTF, no idea how this happened.
I tried the easy option first of reinstalling but that didn't seem to fix it ...
If someone could pop the file on here or email it to me, it'd be most appreciated!!
thanks in advance.
I wonder if someone could help. The Duet install appears to be goosed ;(( Just when I wanted to settle down and work on my Java skills, when I open Cafe Duet and select: Window -->preferences --> duet, I now get a message "com.amx.util.cafeduet2.preference.DuetModulePreferencePage" ... I searched for this on my system and it appears that the file: org.eclipse.ui.PreferencePages is missing ;( WTF, no idea how this happened.
I tried the easy option first of reinstalling but that didn't seem to fix it ...
If someone could pop the file on here or email it to me, it'd be most appreciated!!
thanks in advance.
Would someone mind just pasting a copy of their CafeDuet.ini in here? It'd be most appreciated. Thanks in advance!