master to master
I had 3 NI (3100, 3000, 2000) in same network, How can I properly setup so 3 controller communication via IP? Is any sample/guide to help me. I read manual, but it so confuse, could not make it work. Appreciate all the help.
1) Set up each Master with its on system ID under Netlinx Studio Diagnostics/Device Addressing:
3100 = System 1
3000 = System 2
2000 = System 3
2) Configure each Master IP address to the same subnet also under Netlinx studio Diagnostics/Network Device Addressing. Set IP to static like:, and
3) Depending how you want to communicate between the 3 Masters set up the Diagnostics/URL Listing... In this case, for example, enter the URL (IP Address) of Masters 2 and 3 into Master 1. You only have to enter the IP in one Master, do not enter on both ends. If you also want Master 2 and 3 to communicate independently of Master 1, enter an IP address of one of them in the other.
4) Now to access or control devices ports on the other Masters, define them into the local Masters. For example, if you want to control an IR device on Master 2 from Master one. Define the device again on Master one with the port definition changing the system number 0 (local) to 2.
//IR Ports Definition on Local System 1 (3100)
dvIRPort1 = 5001:9:0
dvIRPort2 = 5001:10:0
dvIRPort3 = 5001:11:0
dvIRPort4 = 5001:12:0
dvIRPort5 = 5001:13:0
dvIRPort6 = 5001:14:0
dvIRPort7 = 5001:15:0
dvIRPort8 = 5001:16:0
//To control devices from system 2 or 3 on System 1, add lines like:
dvIRPort1 = 5001:9:2 (First IR port on Master 2)
dvIRPort1 = 5001:4:3 (First IR Port on Master 3)
Then you can write code as if the port was local. The same can be used for Relays, I/Os and Serial Devices. If you are using Modules then you may need to define the Virtual devices or define the Touch panels from one system into another like: 10001:1:2 (TP in system 2).
Other important things that help Master to Master is DEVICE ARRAYS, DO_PUSH and VIRTUAL Devices.
Have fun!
Thank you so much, will put them on work