IO Status Monitor Module
MODULE_NAME='IOStatusModule'(DEV dvIO, DEV tp_IO[]) /* pass in an EXB device, or the IO/Relay port from a master and an array of touchpanels (ports) */ DEFINE_CONSTANT INTEGER STATUS[] = {11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18} //shows I/O status. feedback only. INTEGER CHANNELS[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} //the I/O channels INTEGER BTNS_ON[] = {21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28} // turn on a channel INTEGER BTNS_OFF[] = {31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38} //turn off a channel DEFINE_EVENT BUTTON_EVENT[tp_IO, BTNS_ON] { PUSH:{ ON[dvIO, CHANNELS[GET_LAST(BTNS_ON)]] } } BUTTON_EVENT[tp_IO, BTNS_OFF] { PUSH:{ OFF[dvIO, CHANNELS[GET_LAST(BTNS_OFF)]] } } CHANNEL_EVENT[dvIO, CHANNELS] { ON:{ ON[tp_IO, STATUS[GET_LAST(CHANNELS)]] } OFF:{ OFF[tp_IO, STATUS[GET_LAST(CHANNELS)]] } }
gist of main
DEFINE_DEVICE//IO dvREL8_1 = 12001:1:0 //exb-rel8 dvIOMaster_1 = 5001:4:0 //ni-700 dvTP1REL8_1 = 11001:61:0 ; dvTP2REL8_1 = 11002:61:0 ; dvTP3REL8_1 = 11003:61:0 dvTP1IOMaster_1 = 11001:66:0 ; dvTP2IOMaster_1 = 11002:66:0 ; dvTP3IOMaster_1 = 11003:66:0 DEFINE_CONSTANT DEV dv_TPs_REL8_1[] = {dvTP1REL8_1,dvTP2REL8_1,dvTP3REL8_1} DEV dv_TPs_IOMaster_1[] = {dvTP1IOMaster_1,dvTP2IOMaster_1,dvTP3IOMaster_1} DEFINE_MODULE'IOStatusModule' mdldvREL8_1(dvREL8_1, dv_TPs_REL8_1) DEFINE_MODULE'IOStatusModule' mdldvIOMaster_1(dvIOMaster_1, dv_TPs_IOMaster_1)
Might throw in some diagnostics window messages. Mostly this is just a way to have a panel page for ringing stuff out and seeing what's going on with your IO, without having to muck with your main program logic.
This is something I'd probably just do in diagnostics/notifications and not even bother with code myself. But thanks.