KPB files to a TP

I had to replace a Pinnacle DMS today and when I went to transfer the file to the KP I set the DPS of the target KP but mid stream my PC shut off due to low battery. So I powered up and started again and upon completion I noticed my KP didn't receive the file. I then noticed I neglected to re-enter the DPS and the file went to its default 10001:1:1 device. That was the DPS of the kitchen 15" TP but I didn't get a transfer error so for the F' of it I went down to check out the TP and sure enough it loaded the KPB file and in the upper left corner starting at x,y 0,0 was my keypad screen on a big white screen. I laughed my a$$ off but really, it's not even filtering for proper file extensions.
Just swapping out a DMS with a touch panel and discovered If you rename the file extension of a .kpb file to .tp4 it will open in TP Design 4 as a 128 x 240 touch panel file with all of its button numbering intact.
Goes to show how old the TP4/G4 architecture really is and how far it has been stretched for Modero X.
Bring on G5