Posts: 19
Hello everyone has anyone ever used a ftp client to send files to a amx master and if so what ftp client did you use. i tried filezilla but had no luck
I believe others have had success with FileZilla.
Do a search on the forum and you’ll find posts discussing the correct settings.
I’m a Firefox + FireFTP fan.
Don't use the QUICKCONNECT because you can't set parameters.
Make a site profile, and on the ADVANCED tab, choose server type DOS, not the default "automatic".
On the TRANSFER SETTINGS tab, select the box for LIMIT NUMBER OF SIMULTANEOUS CONNECTIONS to 1. Default is to use as many connections as it can, and that overwhelms the simple FTP in the Netlinx, and you will sooner or later see a "421" error meaning all the connections are used up and you have to wait for the auto-cleanup (works within 5 minutes or it won't at all), or reboot the NetLinx to talk again.
On that same tab, you can leave TRANSFER MODE on DEFAULT, but sometimes you won't be able to get a connection with some remote sites/hardware, come to this tab and try again with ACTIVE or PASSIVE checked. One will work even on stubborn (did I say Linksys?) routers.
Finally, in the TRANSFER drop menu, TRANSFER TYPE should be set to BINARY, not automatic. This will preserve the "irfile01" files upon transfer. They appear to Filezilla to be ascii, so automatic uses that mode and strips data you need if you want to later download the IR from a port.
Filezilla rules.
Things to make FireFTP work with Netlinx:
1) Create a new connection account with the IP, user name, and password.
2) Hit connect and you’re in. All the default settings work fine as is.
FireFTP rules. So there...
< tongue out, nose scrunched, thumbs in ears, and wiggling fingers>
And I'll bet a virtual donut that it will mangle the IRFILE files with its automatic setting, as nearly every FTP will.
Automatic is nice except when you want it to work a specific way, then settings are nice.
The only thing you HAVE to do with Filezilla is set the mode to DOS. Well, you don't even need to do that, you can just put a / in the remote default directory and it will work with no other changes. But that's just faking the DOS behavior.
Choices are good, glad you like yours.
As far as the number of files goes, I drag and drop directory structures all the time without issue. Only 1 file gets transferred at a time.
Choices are indeed good. You just made the wrong one. I’m joking of course. If I had to bet I’d probably put my money on me being in the minority. I’m guessing more people use Filezilla than FireFTP.
Thanks guys for clearing up the setup of filezilla