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Dynamic Image?

I'm having an issue retrieving a dynamic image from internet radio stations but everything else seems to work, Pandora, MOG, Spotify, local hard drive stuff and I'm baffled. The URL works in any browser as both a .jpg and .png. If I take it into TPD4 > Panel > Resource Manager > Dynamic Images and create a new entry and test it it works fine from there but through code and sending the ^RMF to the panel followed by ^RFR I get nothing.

Here's a debug print out of the URL that comes into my function that dissects the URL to create my ^RMF string that I in turn send to the panel.
Line      9 (21:04:41)::  SBS MOD-[ 3 ] DEBUG:[L-1], fnFB_SetCoverArtPath: URL-[ http://d1i6vahw24eb07.cloudfront.net/s0q.png ] :DEBUG<2683>
Line     10 (21:04:41)::  SBS MOD-[ 3 ] DEBUG:[L-1], fnFB_SetCoverArtPath: cNewRMFStr-[ %P0%Hd1i6vahw24eb07.cloudfront.net%Fs0q.png ] :DEBUG<2723>

Here's a print out of the notifications window showing the strings to my panel.
Line      1 (21:21:31):: Command To [10004:9:1]-[^RMF-Cover_Art,%P0%Hd1i6vahw24eb07.cloudfront.net%Fs0q.png]
Line      2 (21:21:31):: Command To [10004:9:1]-[^RFR-Cover_Art]
Yet it doesn't change. I've tried .jpg & .png extensions and again both work in browser and in Resource Manager and again every other URL works other that the one related to internet radio. So what's up?

I do show a default radio tower which looks better then some of these radio station supplied art but I like to get this working and then maybe abandon it. Any ideas?

Go figure, this has been bugging me for 2 days and I've been trying all sorts of fixes in my spare time and as I'm posting this problem I realized the problem. No freakin' %A (file path) since these URLs don't have any, just the protocol, DNS, filename. I then remembered a few years ago having a similar issue with an HAI camera which didn't have a path and back then you couldn't enter a Dynamic Image in resource manage w/o a path so I had to fake it out through code by creating a valid entry using a bogus URL and in code sending the ^RMF which included the %A but immediately followed by %F and the file name, no real path. (note: I have to credit Joe H for that idea)

It's kind of odd that you can now create a dynamic image entry in resource manager with out a path but you still need the %A designator in the ^RMF string even if you don't actually have a path.

With the %A it now works
Line      4 (21:52:49)::  SBS MOD-[ 3 ] DEBUG:[L-1], fnFB_SetCoverArtPath: URL-[ http://d1i6vahw24eb07.cloudfront.net/s0q.png ] :DEBUG<2684>
Line      5 (21:52:49)::  SBS MOD-[ 3 ] DEBUG:[L-1], fnFB_SetCoverArtPath: cNewRMFStr-[ %P0%Hd1i6vahw24eb07.cloudfront.net%A%Fs0q.png ] :DEBUG<2733>
Line      6 (21:52:49)::  SBS MOD-[ 3 ] DEBUG:[L-1], fnFB_SetCoverArtPath: UI CMD-[ ^RMF-Cover_Art,%P0%Hd1i6vahw24eb07.cloudfront.net%A%Fs0q.png ] :DEBUG
I guess everything else uses a path in their URL except these radio station I've been playing with.
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