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TP arrays and controller password protection

I have a system with 3 Modero panels and 3 Netlinx controllers, any panel can control any controller without priotitization.
I use TP arrays for it:
Panel1 = 10001:1:1
Panel2 = 10002:1:2
Panel3 = 10003:1:3
dev MyPanel[]={Panel1, Panel2, Panel3}

Then I've enabled the security option in Netlinx controllers and set username/password in every panel (username/password are the same for all devices). After this operation every panel was able to control only it's own Master and there's no effect for two other Masters: no events from the panel detected by them, no info pass from other Masters to that panel (send_commands etc). Is there any solution for this trouble?


  • Did you add the username/password to the URL list between the masters?
  • I've added IP addresses with login/password to "URL listing" section. Now I have connection to other masters, but:
    1. Sometimes the feedback comes with big delay up to 3-5 seconds. It is unacceptable for such systems.
    2. There is no connection to IP devices like EXB-COM or DX-LINK. I've added URLs to 'em too.
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