NI3000 I/Os jammed on
in AMX Hardware
Has anyone experienced this before? The I/Os on one of our NI3000s are jammed on and not responding. The relays are fine. I can control the relays from within Netlinx, but the I/Os just won't respond. Have tried rebooting to no avail. Any help and suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
Also, does the status of any input go from 'on' to 'off' if you short the IO to ground (like a contact closure)?
Best I've been able to tell, they are direct collector outputs on TTLs. It doesn't take a lot to blow them up. I've done similar with individual IOs, so I wouldn't be shocked it someone accidentally blew them out. However, check the voltage too. If the board voltage is off, it would cause the TTLs to read wrong as well. I've blown up that onboard supply on a controller as well, and it sometimes causes unexpected results.