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Cisco Call Manager 7, METECOM, Ring back,DTMF

In AMX CSG server, you have an option to ringback to the Metecom by following the instructions in the attached document. I am trying to do the same with Cisco call manager 7. Usually when visitors press the Metecom, they press multiple times since there is no acknowledgment on the Metecom. Is the speakers disabled before a sip call because i am able to call the Metecom when it is enabled but there is no ringing happening in the panel.

Also i am dialing a hunt( group extension number) number which gets answered by maids on their ip phones. The AMX sip module has a DTMF tracking logic but is it modifiable to take a certain dtmf pattern and open the doors.


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Re no feedback, what we've suggested for our dealers is to put a bell or buzzer near enough to the door where it can be heard from the location of the METecom. Then pulse it from the MET relays upon the button press. It gives enough local feedback for the visitor to understand that something happened, and that they could wait. It also benefits the homeowner, as they hear the bell too, regardless of being close to a panel. Sort of like a doorbell. Revolutionary.
  • ajish.rajuajish.raju Posts: 185
    Do you have any links for any bells or buzzer that was successfully integrated with the Metecom. I want to find one which can be portable enough so that it can be enclosed with the Metecom.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Each one was different. But you have good choice...
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