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module issue with Sharp XG-SV200X

Hello all. Long time since my last visit and request for input!

We have a Sharp XG-SV200X projector and the corresponding module. There are NO passwords in the setup of the projector ("NET" screen menu page")

Connecting to the projector has been an issue. We started with the sample code that came with the module. Once compiled and loaded, we can not connect to the projector. Monitoring a telnet session with the master, channel 251 on the virtual device comes on and drops off again, preventing any further network control of the projector.

If anyone has any experience with this projector and module it would be appreciated.

Attached is the telnet of the bootup. Interesting to note that at line 141272, it appears to request a password, but I don't know where / what it expecting. The module doesn't seem to refer to it anywhere. When the projector doesn't get a password, it shuts down net access. (CH 251)



  • I contacted the module developer. Sharp documentation does not describe the encryption scheme needed for sending the password over ethernet. At this time, this module does not support password over IP to this device. We are waiting on an answer from Sharp. The module does support ethernet control, but the password must be disabled. You indicated that it you have removed the password, but the prompt is still there.

    The manual suggests the password can be disabled in the Net screen:
    " If you do not need the password protection for the “Net.” menu settings anymore, press ENTER without entering new password in steps 3 and 4."

    If after following the manufacturer instructions, it still isnt working, can their support team provide you with the encryption method needed for sending the password over ip? I asked, and was told our team did test both IP and serial control when developing this module.
  • PyroGuyPyroGuy Posts: 121
    Thanks for the quick comments. What you are saying echos what I heard before I tried the forum. The password part from Sharp is odd that we have found it but it is not documented.

    I'm going to try a "network reset" on the proj to hopefully clear out any password residue and we'll see what happens.

    If anyone has any other feedback, we'd like to hear it.

    Thank you Chris
  • One additional piece of information on this topic - Sharp sent a model XV-Z3000 for development and testing of this "series" of display. Rather than ship one of every model to us for development, manufacturers will typically ship one and then tell us the list of model numbers that fall within the same family/protocol and would be controlled the same.

    Depending on firmware, and how accurate their list is, we have seen instances where this is incorrect and field testing reveals a problem with the module and compatibility with a specific model.
  • PyroGuyPyroGuy Posts: 121
    A last bit of info.

    We have it working. As it appeared that the was no password anywhere (that could be seen), we did a network reset on the "NET" menu page. Then we reset the IP to the address that we wanted and Presto! We could control the projector through the module with simple pulses of the various channels.

    We have NOT tried to reconnect with the web browser as that seemed to create the problem in the first place. Don't know for sure, but why mess with it when it is working!

    Moral of the story - when in doubt - RESET!

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