issue with Phast PB8-AS8 switcher
Anyone run into this issue with the Phast PB8-AS8 switcher? When I press vol up, it states that Iit has backed up messages that need to processing and it ramps up volume very quickly and loud.
Is there a way to Flush the system to remove this backlog? I use the AMX module to process:
DEFINE_MODULE 'AS8-AS16Mod' mdlAUD_SWT(vdvPhastSwitcher, dvPhastSwitch)
below is a snapshot of the messages:
Line 115 (23:07:49):: Interpreter pended because 11 messages back-logged. Last pend was for 3097 mS/max 16 messages back-logged.
Line 116 (23:07:51):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 10 (latency=8)$0A
Line 117 (23:07:54):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 9 (latency=1)$0A
Line 118 (23:07:57):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 8 (latency=15)$0A
Line 119 (23:07:58):: Interpreter pended because 11 messages back-logged. Last pend was for 8999 mS/max 11 messages back-logged.
Line 120 (23:08:00):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 10 (latency=8)$0A
Line 121 (23:08:00)::
Line 122 (23:08:00):: line 1463 PHYSICAL PHAST SWITCHER COMMAND dvPhastSwitch 6001-> RAW-$01$01
Line 123 (23:08:00):: strSwitchBuff->
Line 124 (23:08:00):: strVirtualPhastSwitchBuff->
Line 125 (23:08:00)::
Line 126 (23:08:00)::
Line 127 (23:08:00)::
Line 128 (23:08:00):: line 1463 PHYSICAL PHAST SWITCHER COMMAND dvPhastSwitch 6001-> RAW-$01$02
Line 129 (23:08:00):: strSwitchBuff->
Line 130 (23:08:00):: strVirtualPhastSwitchBuff->
Line 131 (23:08:00)::
Is there a way to Flush the system to remove this backlog? I use the AMX module to process:
DEFINE_MODULE 'AS8-AS16Mod' mdlAUD_SWT(vdvPhastSwitcher, dvPhastSwitch)
below is a snapshot of the messages:
Line 115 (23:07:49):: Interpreter pended because 11 messages back-logged. Last pend was for 3097 mS/max 16 messages back-logged.
Line 116 (23:07:51):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 10 (latency=8)$0A
Line 117 (23:07:54):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 9 (latency=1)$0A
Line 118 (23:07:57):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 8 (latency=15)$0A
Line 119 (23:07:58):: Interpreter pended because 11 messages back-logged. Last pend was for 8999 mS/max 11 messages back-logged.
Line 120 (23:08:00):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 10 (latency=8)$0A
Line 121 (23:08:00)::
Line 122 (23:08:00):: line 1463 PHYSICAL PHAST SWITCHER COMMAND dvPhastSwitch 6001-> RAW-$01$01
Line 123 (23:08:00):: strSwitchBuff->
Line 124 (23:08:00):: strVirtualPhastSwitchBuff->
Line 125 (23:08:00)::
Line 126 (23:08:00)::
Line 127 (23:08:00)::
Line 128 (23:08:00):: line 1463 PHYSICAL PHAST SWITCHER COMMAND dvPhastSwitch 6001-> RAW-$01$02
Line 129 (23:08:00):: strSwitchBuff->
Line 130 (23:08:00):: strVirtualPhastSwitchBuff->
Line 131 (23:08:00)::
to communicate with the physical switcher I use the AMX module -
DEFINE_MODULE 'AS8-AS16Mod' mdlAUD_SWT(vdvPhastSwitcher, dvPhastSwitch)
vdvPhastSwitcher = 34500:01:0;
dvPhastSwitch = 6001:01:0; // Phase switcher 8x8
so then when I push button of vol up/down I do the following:
TO[vdvPhastSwitcher, nHoldVol];
when I hold button:
PULSE[vdvPhastSwitcher, nHoldVol];
note: nHoldVol = 5
codes for Phast PB8-AS8 - this is for output 2 so when I ramp down the offset with be 5 and when I ramp up it will be 4.
Channel Function
4 Volume Ramp Up for Stereo Output #2
5 Volume Ramp Down for Stereo Output #2
6 Volume Mute for Stereo Output #2
Then the feedback shows this:
Line 107 (13:45:28):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 10 (latency=14)$0A
Line 108 (13:45:31):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 9 (latency=1)$0A
Line 109 (13:45:34):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 8 (latency=15)$0A
Line 110 (13:45:37):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 7 (latency=16)$0A
and from the COMMAND part I get this:
PHYSICAL PHAST SWITCHER COMMAND dvPhastSwitch 6001-> RAW-$05$02$04$04$182$12$1222
However, if you post the code we might see something else going on.
stack_var strTemp[32] integer i integer nOffset integer nIDX;integer nMuted;
stack_var char cVol[5] integer nHoldVol;
nIDX = get_last(btReceiverVol);
nPNL = getPanel(dTP_MUSIC);
if(nIDX == 1)// VOL went up
nOffset = 2;
else //VOL went down
nOffset = 1;
for(i=1; i<=8; i++) //this is the number of rows on my Touch panel - just assume this value is 1
if(sSwitch.nVolCntrl > 0)
nHoldVol = sSwitch.nVolCntrl-nOffset;
TO[vdvPhastSwitcher, nHoldVol];
stack_var strTemp[32] integer i integer nOffset integer nIDX;
stack_var char cVol[5] integer nHoldVol;
nIDX = get_last(btReceiverVol);
if(nIDX == 1)// VOL went up
nOffset = 2;
nOffset = 1;
//set volume to structure
// Channel Function
// 1 Volume Ramp Up for Stereo Output #1
// 2 Volume Ramp Down for Stereo Output #1
// 3 Volume Mute for Stereo Output #1
// 4 Volume Ramp Up for Stereo Output #2
// 5 Volume Ramp Down for Stereo Output #2
// 6 Volume Mute for Stereo Output #2
for(i=1; i<=8; i++) //this is the number of rows on my Touch panel - just assume this value is 1
if(sSwitch.nVolCntrl > 0) //this value will be 6 for second Output
//This is the channel formula to ramp up/down or mute the output for volume, in my example it is Output 2 as 6 is Mute, 5 is Ramp vol down, and 4 is Ramp vol up
//so Offset will be either 0, 1 or 2
nHoldVol = sSwitch.nVolCntrl-nOffset;
TO[vdvPhastSwitcher, nHoldVol]; //change the code from a PULSE to a TO
}//Button Volume
Now when I hold the button down, the feedback is as follows:
I show the COMMAND part of DATA_EVENT
and as u can see I get
Resending to 6001 resend count = 10 (latency=8)$0A -- issue
Line 2 (00:12:32):: Inside PHAST Switcher BUTTON_EVENT line 714 btReceiverVol PHAST VOL
Line 9 (00:12:32)::
Line 10 (00:12:32):: line 1463 PHYSICAL PHAST SWITCHER COMMAND dvPhastSwitch 6001-> RAW-$05$02$04$04$1B2$13$1322
Line 13 (00:12:32)::
Line 15 (00:12:32)::
Line 16 (00:12:32):: VOLUME HOLD
Line 21 (00:12:32)::
Line 22 (00:12:32):: VOLUME HOLD
Line 26 (00:12:32)::
Line 28 (00:12:32):: PHAST SWITCHER COMMAND dvPhastSwitch 6001-> RAW-$05$02$04$04$1B2$18$1822
Line 31 (00:12:32)::
Line 32 (00:12:32)::
Line 33 (00:12:35):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 10 (latency=8)$0A
Line 34 (00:12:38):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 9 (latency=16)$0A
Line 35 (00:12:41):: Resending to 6001 resend count = 8 (latency=1)$0A
Line 36 (00:12:41)::
Line 37 (00:12:41):: PHYSICAL PHAST SWITCHER COMMAND dvPhastSwitch 6001-> RAW-$0A$02$04$04$1B2$18$1822
Line 40 (00:12:41)::
Resending to 6001 resend count = 10 (latency=7)$0A messages.
I have 2--Phast Landmark PLB-Amp8 , so the switcher ur recommeding, does it talk to this amp? I didnt see a ethernet connection on the VAUX matrix switch, so how would the AMX system communicate?
The Vaux is RS-232. I only mentioned that because I had an immediate replacement that sounded better ... not necessarily a recommendation. Nowadays, we only use Autopatch, but you are again talking RS-232.
that flushes out the backed up messages in its queue.
I tried this:
send_command dvPhastSwitch, "'RESET'";
when COMMAND LINE was initiated and also when it went ONLINE - didnt seem to work