Autonomics MCS Module, Maximum touch panels and Server OS

I am using the Autonomics Media Control System (MCS) via a Windows XP OS with four individual streams of music. I am using the Autonomics AMX 2.4 Module to control the MCS. I have about 40 touch panels which are in different rooms. The setup previously was that since there are 9 controllers, i separated the autonomics ui module so that at the most 1 controller had a maximum of 12 ui modules per tp.
Since the Autonomics UI module is done for a single touch panel and not a touch panel array, i had to create multiple module declarations based on the number of touch panels. I am planning to now put all the module declarations to a single AMX controller and i want to know if anyone has tried out 40 simultaneous IP module connections to the Autonomics MCS.
I am also facing an issue where the cover art and the control gets hanged after a few days or weeks then i have to reload the MCS server configuration or stop and start the MCS service again. Is this due to the OS. Which OS is preferred to be the best for the Autonomics MCS.
Since the Autonomics UI module is done for a single touch panel and not a touch panel array, i had to create multiple module declarations based on the number of touch panels. I am planning to now put all the module declarations to a single AMX controller and i want to know if anyone has tried out 40 simultaneous IP module connections to the Autonomics MCS.
I am also facing an issue where the cover art and the control gets hanged after a few days or weeks then i have to reload the MCS server configuration or stop and start the MCS service again. Is this due to the OS. Which OS is preferred to be the best for the Autonomics MCS.
We wrote our own module for this very reason. I would recommend the same. Writing UI for media servers is not much fun. No wonder they don't like to do it themselves.