Adapting duet module workspace to multiple touch panels
I have downloaded Cisco C60 duet module to use it in a two room setup with similar equipment. If I am not wrong, the touch panel design and the workspace in the module zip file are coded for controlling multiple devices from one touch panel. How can I adapt it to my needs? I have one master (NI-3150), 2 TP (Modero X), and 2 C60 Codecs.
I have downloaded Cisco C60 duet module to use it in a two room setup with similar equipment. If I am not wrong, the touch panel design and the workspace in the module zip file are coded for controlling multiple devices from one touch panel. How can I adapt it to my needs? I have one master (NI-3150), 2 TP (Modero X), and 2 C60 Codecs.
Kevin D.
The explanation of using multiple ports for multiple codecs in the module interface specification will take longer to figure out than it will to just implement multiple modules completely separated.
IPad typing... It's got moxie!
I have no problem defining the module twice, but I thought I would not have to duplicate the Components of the module for each codec. Since I am using two separate Touch Panels I cannot figure out how I can use one Component for both of them. It would be very helpful if you could elaborate with a sample.
I've checked out the method where you only define the Component modules and variables once then change the value of nCiscoC90 to the codec you want to use but this won't allow you to have multiple touch panels controlling different codecs at the same time so is pretty useless.
As far as I am concerned here is the only way you can use multiple codecs with multiple touch panels:
Append almost everything with _01, then copy it and replace with _02
If I were to do this more than once I'd put all the variables into a structure for each codec.
All buttons on port 1 of each touch panel are for codec 1 and all buttons on port 2 of each touch panel are for codec 2
My code will work as well but I'd stick with the original demo.
I used the DEFINE_COMBINE to allow me to use multiple touch panels with a single module.
I would normally use an array of touch panels but the Component modules won't allow me to use an array of touch panels so using the virtual touch panel to refer to all touch panels in the module is the solution.
If that was confusing look up the help file for DEFINE_COMBINE and hopefully that explains it better.
When I define separate instances of the dialerComponent module for each VTC, I think I still need the "getFeedbackZone" function defined in "ComponentInclude" file to figure out which Line (VTC supports 4 simultaneous lines) is calling???
Do I have to have a Zone Selection button on my TP in that case?
Thank you for your help and patience.