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Viewing NVR files?

I was wondering if there was a way to view .avi files recorded and stored on an NVR. They're stored as .avi and video codec used is MJPEG so I was thinking that it may be possible to download that file onto the master parse out the .avi wrapper to leave only the MJEG file but then I thought there's nothing a TP could do with that since it would need a player capability to read the MJPEG header to determine frame rate, etc. Normally MJPEG viewing on a TP I assume is frame by frame by a server push so it's really only a bunch of stills.

This is impossible isn't it unless I can get the NVR to stream the .avi which after looking at the NVR's web api looks like it may be possible.


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    If you know the frame rate and you're not dealing with a variable frame rate perhaps you could reconstruct the header needed to get the TPs to work. (not that I would have time to reverse engineer such a thing myself. But it does sound kinda fun)
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    I don't know about that. I think I would have to dissect the file into individual frames and then show them on the TP as re-animated jpeg stills at the proper frame rate. While doing that would be fun, I don't think it would work well enough to be worth the effort.

    Looking at the NVR's api could call a recorded event stream and it will server push the file but I'm not sure how I would go about sending the GET via the TP. I guess if I put the GET string less GET that might work. I think the server will be pushing with the .avi wrapper so I don't know if that can be ignored and the mjpeg portion still used. If I were a betting man I would bet against that working.
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