Problem with Smart Board 8070i duet module?
I need to control the Smart Board 8070i and am using the duet module SmartTech_8070i_Comm_dr1_0_0.jar. For some reason I am not able to turn the TV ON using the module. Has anybody faced a similar issue with this third party device or the duet module for it? When I enabled notifications in Netlinx Studio the module returns something like $0F0F...
I need to control the Smart Board 8070i and am using the duet module SmartTech_8070i_Comm_dr1_0_0.jar. For some reason I am not able to turn the TV ON using the module. Has anybody faced a similar issue with this third party device or the duet module for it? When I enabled notifications in Netlinx Studio the module returns something like $0F0F...
Send the command DEBUG-4 to the vdv and see if you get a clue what is going on.
Try upping the duet memory in telnet (set duet mem) to 8M or more.
Maybe it is a firmware issue, if you are using v3 firmware try updating to v4 otherwise try rolling back.
Check the cables / network configuration.