RmsAssetParameterEnqueueSetValue() doesn't work
I'm trying to track down some issues with initializing values for assets, and as best I can tell RmsAssetParameterEnqueueSetValue() just doesn't work.
These are the commands being sent by the code:
The SUBMIT doesn't seem to actually do anything. If I change things to send:
it works perfectly. What is going on? Do parameter updates just not work when queued?
These are the commands being sent by the code:
ASSET.PARAM.UPDATE-5001:3:1,filter.consumption,SET_VALUE,455,false ASSET.PARAM.SUBMIT-5001:3:1
The SUBMIT doesn't seem to actually do anything. If I change things to send:
it works perfectly. What is going on? Do parameter updates just not work when queued?
"ASSET.PARAM.SUBMIT" is the submission command for registering asset parameters and "ASSET.PARAM.UPDATE.SUBMIT" is the submission command for updates to existing asset parameters.
I'll give that a try later today, and report back (I'm in the middle of testing some other things at the moment). I think there may be an error in the RMS boilerplate code that comes with the SDK, though. From RmsNlVideoProjectorMonitor.axs:
I think that the last line should be RmsAssetParameterUpdatesSubmit(assetClientKey) instead.
In just a quick spot check, it looks like all the RmsNL** modules may suffer from this issue.
The touch panel, DVX, and PDU monitoring modules look correct.
If you're reporting things to the development team, could you also have them look at the issue I had in this thread http://www.amxforums.com/showthread.php?9567-Asset-Parameter-Initialization ? In RmsNlSnapiComponents.axi, it looks like either KeySetValue() or keyLookup() needs to set uKeys.cName, but neither of them do. From the comments above the functions, I think keyLookup() is supposed to do it, instead of KeySetValue() which is how I solved it.