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DXLink HDMI RX/TX how to set device ip and number

I can detect unbound device(HDMI RX), but i cannot bind the device.

Can anyone help me?


  • ijedijed Posts: 28
    Right click device in online tree and view properties to get IP Address.

    Then telnet to device and use command:
    set connection
    TCP (or UDP or NDP)
    then enter IP address of master to bind this to the master.
    Then when you refresh the online tree it should appear as a bound device

    if you want to send commands to device you need to give it a device number using:
    set device [device num]

    if you need to assign it a static IP or change between Static and DHCP use:
    set ip
  • rfletcherrfletcher Posts: 217
    and don't forget to send it a reboot command when you're done configuring it if you change the IP address, as that won't take effect until a reboot. :)
  • nickmnickm Posts: 152
    I've been using the Telnet method of configuring these as well. Has anyone been able to get the ID button method to work?? I've only tried it twice, but both times I got a whole lot of nothing in "Network Device Addressing".
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    I've done it both ways (telnet and online tree) with success.
  • rfletcherrfletcher Posts: 217
    I've just been using telnet to configure them.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Tech Note 1004

    Tech Note 1004 describes how to set the device IP, number and connection for DXLink boxes. My preferred method (and typically the most reliable) is to get them into their default IP (if you don't know its IP address), getting into it via telnet, then issue set ip, set connection, set device <number>, followed by a reboot. Binding it through NetLinx Studio is going to keep its connection to the master using NDP, which uses UDP. I highly suggest that they be changed to TCP in the set connection wizard when in telnet due to UDP being a connectionless protocol. I equate using UDP to two people trying to have a conversation across a busy highway all while not knowing if they can hear eachother.

    Hope this helps!
  • champchamp Posts: 261
    I've used the ID button and I've seen it fail as well.

    My preferred method is:
    - note all mac addresses and locations
    - use a WAP with a DHCP server. This way everything is on the right subnet to start.
    - the unconfigured devices appear as unbound devices in the online tree
    - right click on the device in the online tree and look at device properties for the IP address.
    - telnet into them and SET IP, SET DEVICE, SET CONNECTION

    I know you can bind the device in the online tree then use Netlinx Studio device addressing but I just like the reliability of telnet. All the discovery protocols are random whereas telnet just works.

    If a device doesn't show up on the online tree I either look at the DHCP reservations in the WAP or I use wireshark to find it.
    Wireshark is the best, I use the following filter to only see AMX devices
    eth.src contains 00:60:9f
    Leave Wireshark running for a minute, stop the capture, select Statistics > Endpoints > tick 'Limit to display filter' > IPv4, then you have a list of all the AMX devices on the network.
    Unlike most network scanning tools Wireshark looks at all packets, not just stuff on the same subnet.
  • I just spent a bunch of time configuring TX & RX units for a DGX 16 install (12 TX, 12 RX, and some HDMI in the rack)

    Here's how I did it fairly painlessly:

    Grab a DXLink power supply, and a network cable from your PC to the unit's ICS LAN port (obviously won't work with a wallplate TX

    Set your PC to an IP in the range of 192.168.1.x

    Grab a DXlink box and turn on appropriate dip switches (1&3 to enable ethernet over Dxlink and enable ICS LAN port) Dip switches are only read by the box on boot, so do this before plugging in power.

    Power up TX/RX box & wait for it to finish booting

    Hold ID button until lights fast blink, then release. This sets the box to default static IP of

    Telnet to that IP, use SET IP, SET DEVICE, SET CONNECTION to set all your settings. If you SET IP last, you can just unplug the box instead of rebooting, and it will take the new IP when you connect it to the system.

    Repeat with each box in the system.

    I was able to do 16 boxes in half an hour, but I type pretty fast.

    Hope this helps,
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