Mac address as sting
Posts: 6
Is it possible to get the macaddress of the ni-frame in a variable or constant so i can use it in a program?
But as you look at the structure there's nothing for the MAC. I'm pretty sure there's no built in system's function that allows you to get the mac, GET_UNIQUE_ID returns the neuron ID. AFAIK the only way is to telnet into the master through code if that's what you mean by an NI frame and call GET IP, that will return the mac.
If you're not sure how to telnet into a master via code I posted a module in ModPedia some time ago called PING_URL/GET_IP or something to that affect that establishes a telnet session to ping so instead of pinging you could call GET_IP.
If your NI isn't a current firmware master telnet in through a PC and see if actually has the that function before wasting time. I just telnetted into an old NXC-ME in a card frame with old firmware and it has the function so you're probably good to go.
Command To [41001:1:1]-[?CLIENT.MAC]
Command From [41001:1:1]-[CLIENT.MAC-00:60:9F:aa:bb:cc]