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WinMAX 3.01 problem

Hi guys,
I used WinMAX to retrieve a DVD's cover.The problem is that in my PC I get the explorer's error page which it looks like I don't have a proper internet connection.The strange thing is that in another PC without internet connection I get some information about the DVD (not the cover). Maybe is somekind of firewall or activeX problem?

Any ideas?



  • Hi Costas,

    I had the same problems.
    I got an (I think unoffical) update for WinMAX that fix this problem.
    I think I got it from Wylie Dunham. My current release of WinMAX is 3.0.2.

    Hope that helps.

  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Call tech support and they will e-mail you the patch to 3.02.
  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    For your info, database used to recognize DVD and CD with WinMAX is the one that is inside the MAX server, so WinMAX will be able to recognize DVD and CD whatever you have or not an Internet Connection. Only thing that will miss are cover art as they are retrieved directly from Internet !

  • Guys,
    Thanks very much for your help.I'll get the 3.02 version.

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