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NI network problem

Hi everyone,
I have some Netlinx controllers (7 NI-2000 and an NI-700) connected on an NXA-ENET24 AMX switch. I have also connected an ISDN Router on this ENET24 for having access from my office. Everything is fine except for one
NI-2000 - the main one - that is not accessable from my office. I have connectivity with this controller only when I am on the project area. The network settings are exact the same for all controllers. There is no IP conflict.
Do you have any idea for this?



  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I had this exact issue, and this is the routine I went through to fix it. It will have to be done on site.

    1) Connect to the NI via RS-232. Reset network to dynamic DHCP, save and reboot.

    2) Re-connect, and click Get IP and Get DNS buttons. Then change back to your static IP, and only edit the IP field. Save and reboot.

    That did it for me. I can only surmise there are some hidden settings that get adjusted only in DHCP mode. I can't imagine what, or why they should be so. I wound up with exactly the same data in all the fields, but it would absolutely not work unless I got the IP dynamically once, then changed to static.
  • Just back in from a job site with the exact same problem. I would like the ability to defeat the network connection while I do all my tweaking and then turn it on when I'm ready to assign the IP or the IP is hooked up. This would speed up the reboot time.
  • ImpaqtImpaqt Posts: 155
    WOuldnt you then have to load everything VIA RS-232 instead of Ethernet then? I can imagine sending a Modero Touchscreen through a Controller via RS-232...

    I always set IP's as Static. Boot up takes much less time whenthe cotnroller doesnt have to look for a DHCP Server. Even systems that I have not hooked into a Network get a dummy IP just for this reason.
  • I have a router on my desk that I preload everything from panels to the controller. I assign a static IP to each piece but have on occasion (like today) have issues like the plate hooked to the wrong sub-network. The unit then takes a considerable time to reboot.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Impaqt wrote:
    WOuldnt you then have to load everything VIA RS-232 instead of Ethernet then? I can imagine sending a Modero Touchscreen through a Controller via RS-232...

    I always set IP's as Static. Boot up takes much less time whenthe cotnroller doesnt have to look for a DHCP Server. Even systems that I have not hooked into a Network get a dummy IP just for this reason.
    No, I only meant to connect via RS-232 to change the settings around. Once you get it working, you use TCP. You don't have to do the RS-232 thing at all if you have a way of determining the IP assigned dynamically.
  • I've tried several times to send the Modero TP file via the 'program' port and always got a error at 95% completion. Not sure why.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I've tried several times to send the Modero TP file via the 'program' port and always got a error at 95% completion. Not sure why.
    Are you connecting via a virtual NetLinx or an actual? I have no idea if they addressed this since I had the problem, but I found early in the game that if you load a panel via an actual NetLinx that has multiple ports for that panel assigned, it will send the panel into a reboot cycle when it doesn't find the ports.

    For example, my NetLinx code had 4 ports assigned to a particular panel. I absolutely could not load the panel file, because it kept rebooting - the stock panel only has one port assigned. I had to reload the NetLinx with a blank program, then I could load my panel files. Once the panel had the proper ports referenced, I could put my working code back in.

    Like I said, I have no idea if subsequent firmware releases have fixed this, it was at least a year or two ago I noticed it, and now I load my panels from a "blank" master beforehand almost exclusively, so I wouldn't know it it still exists - I have sidestepped the circumstances that caused it.
  • Dave,
    I have already connected the NI via RS232 and reset network to dynamic DHCP. I changed then back to my static IP but nothing happened...
  • Hi George
    What port are you on the switch? Have you tried to swap ports? I had a NI-3000 last week that I had to try several times before it would take the IP info and retain it.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I have also experienced some issues with various switch types, though not with NetLinx masters. I have had some Modero panels refuse to connect via a Linksys that had auto-rate adjustment; I've since replaced all the Linsys switches with Netgear.
  • i know this is an old thread, just found it though.

    i generally HAVE to set all netlinx devices to 10MB. i've always found trouble brews if you set devices for AutoRate or 100MB. on various switches/hub networks.

    across the whole range of products, i think netlinx have a fundemental networking flaw. don't ask me to pin it down, it's not my job.

    the NI-700 would appear to have a new/different chipset (it's slower, but maybe more accurate) than other netlinx devices i've worked with.

    i've not had a problem setting ip numbers / network rebooting with controllers otherwise. haven't had to do the DHCP trick mentioned earlier.

    but i know for sure that 100MB or AUTO is just asking for trouble. i hope one day we can move beyond it.

    don't know if any of that helps, hope it does.
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