event to see if any subpages are open?
Does anyone know of a predefined command available to see if there are any subpages currently open or would my best bet be creating a custom event or tracking when subpages are opened and closed; I prefer to not reinvent the wheel when not needed.
part of my problem is you can open a subpage, or bring it front and center with the same command.. so simply having a ++ or -- count for opening or closing a subpage will not work.
As you're implimenting a UI design you conintually run into scenarios where you can't get what you need to make it work reliably.
So, while it is a true argument that you are using processor horse power to run something that can be offloaded to the UI you end up walking into blind corners.
There are only a few exceptions I do on letting the UI do things, I run all UI navigation from code.
Flame thread in 3... 2... 1....
I agree completely, and in my case, all my ui changes are code driven; When a page is needed its pulled up as a subpage, where I am looking for a short cut is... I have a single video preview subpage, but the text changes, and if there is a page already open, the ^SSH, command will only bring the subpage front and center. This makes tracking how many subpages open or closes slightly more work; why reinvent the wheel if there maybe a command available.
This would also be helpful, so if a panel goes offline and then comes back online, if there was any panel driven subpage events, to be able to account for them being their or not.
I ended up tracking the windows manually, but I do try to use as many amx commands as possible if they fit.
I appreciate the reply though
...on a similar note, it would be great if there was a close all subpages. I know this could be handled by cycling through an array of the names of subpages and doing ^SHD, but again, a simple one line command would speed things up and simplify the process.