Help with NEC Command/Response
This is a command to get the "Running Sense" on a NEC projector
I don't understand the bits for DATA01. Do these somehow get added together for the total?
These are my responses
I don't understand how the "bits" are put together for the 6th value in the return string.
Command: 00H 81H 00H 00H 00H 81H Response: At the time of a success 20H 81H 01H xxH 01H DATA01 CKS Data Portion Contents ----------------------------------------------------------- -------- DATA01 Status of operation Bit 7: Power On/Off processing 0 = No execution (Normal condition) 1 = During execution Bit 6: Selecting signal processing 0 = No execution (Normal condition) 1 = During execution Bit 5: Cooling processing 0 = No execution (Normal condition) 1 = During execution Bit 4: External control mode 0 = OFF 1 = ON Bit 3: No Power-Off period 0 = Power-Off Possible (Normal condition) 1 = Power-Off Impossible Bit 2: Reserved Bit 1: Projector status 0 = Idling 1 = Power On Bit 0: Reserved
I don't understand the bits for DATA01. Do these somehow get added together for the total?
These are my responses
Projector off: $20,$81$01$10$01$00$B3 Projector on: $20,$81$01$10$01$02$B5
I don't understand how the "bits" are put together for the 6th value in the return string.
Off message data byte is
00000000 which is represented as $00
On message is
00000010 which is $02 in hex.
I'd guess that the cooling message might look like
00010000 which would be $10 in hex.
01111010 - random value for Data01
00010000 - $10
00010000 - result of bitwise and
when you do the bitwise and only the bits that are 1 in the mask and Data01 are 1 in the result. It is then easiest to treat your result as a boolean value. Here are the functions that I use when I need to check or set the state of a bit in a CHAR.
Set Bit_Zero to true if you are using 0-7 to identify your bits intstead of 1-8.
Another option is this 1 line function to check bits 0-15 using bit shifting to create the mask:
Stupid 10 character minimum to post!
A super common way to do this though is just set up some constants for the different bit masks that your protocol uses:
You can then just grab your DATA01 byte (after verifying the checksum), lets call this 'projectorStatus' then check status in a nice readable way.
As stated above the generic function checks bits 0-15 which is why it it’s an integer but if you want to limit the function to only be capable of checking bits 0-7 then that’s the way to do it.
Doing so changes the RETURN value. The function is intended to RETURN a 0 (false) if the bit is not set and RETURN a 1 (true) if the bit is set. The function will not do that with your modification. You’ll also need to deal with the warning when you compile it.