RMS Heart Attack

For those of you wanting to speed up the response time for server initiated events (control methods, booking responses etc.) I’ve put together a little RMS extension that enables you to bypass the minimum heartbeat interval configurable with the stock SDK. I would highly recommend against using this on any operational system (see [post=64710]here[/post] for reason) however it will help decrease round trip time for when you’re doing any dev work.
To use it just instantiate the module and point it at your RMS virtual device:
It is then accessed via a send command to vdvRMS:
Anyway, code is here.
To use it just instantiate the module and point it at your RMS virtual device:
define_module 'RmsHeartAttack' mdlRmsHeartAttack(vdvRMS);
It is then accessed via a send command to vdvRMS:
@config.client.heartattack-<true|false>[,time in seconds]
Anyway, code is here.