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Control Projector PT-FW430U by IP

This is the first time i am trying to write a IP module by myseft. I am trying to control Projector PT-FW430U by Lan follow the sample module of Someone from this Forum. Please see attached file.
I modifed port to 1024 follow the user manual of Projector.

But it appear like this in Telnet section:

(0000026932) IPDeviceDetector.run(): joined multicast group
(0000033821) Connected Successfully
(0000033822) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:1
(0000033822) DEVICE ONLINE- PORT 3
(0000063838) Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
(0000063838) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:1
(0000063839) DEVICE OFFLINE- PORT 3
(0000073844) Connected Successfully
(0000073845) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:1
(0000073846) DEVICE ONLINE- PORT 3
(0000103859) Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
(0000103860) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:1
(0000103860) DEVICE OFFLINE- PORT 3
(0000113868) Connected Successfully
(0000113869) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:1
(0000113870) DEVICE ONLINE- PORT 3
(0000143891) Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
(0000143892) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:1
(0000143892) DEVICE OFFLINE- PORT 3
(0000153892) Connected Successfully
(0000153893) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:1
(0000153893) DEVICE ONLINE- PORT 3
(0000183913) Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
(0000183913) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:1
(0000183914) DEVICE OFFLINE- PORT 3
(0000193915) Connected Successfully
(0000193916) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:1
(0000193917) DEVICE ONLINE- PORT 3
(0000223934) Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
(0000223935) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:1
(0000223936) DEVICE OFFLINE- PORT 3
(0000233939) Connected Successfully
(0000233940) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:1
(0000233940) DEVICE ONLINE- PORT 3
(0000263956) Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
(0000263957) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:1
(0000263958) DEVICE OFFLINE- PORT 3
(0000273962) Connected Successfully
(0000273963) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:1
(0000273964) DEVICE ONLINE- PORT 3
(0000303978) Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
(0000303979) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:1
(0000303979) DEVICE OFFLINE- PORT 3
(0000313986) Connected Successfully
(0000313987) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:1
(0000313987) DEVICE ONLINE- PORT 3
(0000344010) Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
(0000344011) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:1
(0000344011) DEVICE OFFLINE- PORT 3
☺(0000354010) Connected Successfully
(0000354011) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:1
(0000354011) DEVICE ONLINE- PORT 3

Does any one know why it is? and give me some advise?
I also try to send command like below, but no feed back:
send_string dvIPDevice,"$30,$30,'POWR ?',$0D"

Does any one has PT-FW430U AMX module control by LAN? it is usefull for me.
Thank all


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    These are normal online/offline notifications. There is one of two thing s going on here to make them repeat like that:

    1) Your code keeps disconnecting and reconnecting
    2) The device itself drops the connection after receiving a command and your module automatically reconnects

    If it's #1, you need to track down what's causing it in your code. If it's #2, you have to adjust for it. I wouldn't reconnect whenever it drops in that case, only when I have something to send.
  • Control
    DHawthorne wrote: »
    These are normal online/offline notifications. There is one of two thing s going on here to make them repeat like that:

    1) Your code keeps disconnecting and reconnecting
    2) The device itself drops the connection after receiving a command and your module automatically reconnects

    If it's #1, you need to track down what's causing it in your code. If it's #2, you have to adjust for it. I wouldn't reconnect whenever it drops in that case, only when I have something to send.

    Thank for your reply.
    I will check it today. I also try to control a Kramer Switcher VP-4x4K by LAN, i already connected to it but when i send command to Switcher it seem does not work. But i try another software Hercules, it work fine and can see feebback. Please see my attached file.
    Can any one give me some advise?
  • cristibadcristibad Posts: 69
    any success on this?
  • JasonSJasonS Posts: 229
    If you can control it with Hercules and not your code, I would capture some packets with Wireshark, and see how the messages your code is sending differ from those that Hercules is sending.
  • cristibadcristibad Posts: 69
    stuck on this...any advise, please?
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    JasonS wrote: »
    If you can control it with Hercules and not your code, I would capture some packets with Wireshark, and see how the messages your code is sending differ from those that Hercules is sending.

    Note that the Hercules post was 5 years ago. The poster was last online here 4 years ago. Not likely to find help there.
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