block the program
Good day!
Please tell me how to just block the program downloaded to the controller. I need it as insurance, Easley client has not paid for the work. It is certainly possible to insert the current date condition in every event, but do not want to redo the entire program.
Thank you.
Please tell me how to just block the program downloaded to the controller. I need it as insurance, Easley client has not paid for the work. It is certainly possible to insert the current date condition in every event, but do not want to redo the entire program.
Thank you.
If you have remote access to the site via the Internet I'd just load a blank program. Or you could just throw the first dips witch which will disable the program.
I don't know if its still the case but AMX used to frown on such programming, this to the point if saying repeated use of a "kill switch" in programming could jeopardize your dealer agreement.
If you have several clients who don't pay, I'd say you have the wrong clients. I don't keep clients who don't pay myself. It's not good for business.
You may not sign as many job and you may still need lawyers to get the final payment in the end. The best thing to do is always stay ahead with your billing schedule, get at least 50% up front, another 25% when equipment is delivered, another 15-20% when the system is completely installed but prior to being operationa and then there's just 5-10% at risk at the end and your always paid up expenses to date and the worst that happens is you lose part of your margin.
It seems everytime I think I won't have problems with a particular client and do work with out getting paid first I have problems. I think it's just easier to get money from clients before than after.
I agree with you. But I am from Russia and we are different customers. I meant to do in a program tied to the date of the event, which, after the onset of the program blocks. Not Internet access.
We have a permanent license file we provide when the job is complete, until then the dealer can restart the code anytime, but only for a fixed period. The customer cannot restart the code, as it takes a telnet password and a telnet key command.
The only way this works without angry customers and lawsuits is with full disclosure of how the license works.
In the USA and some other countries, it is considered vandalism to damage or disable a service or product that was contracted, the remedy is a lawsuit to collect.
Whatever you decide, you need not put it in every event, just once in the main line. It will get there soon enough.