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AMX Studio - Creating Layout for InspiredSignage

I'm not sure how many people would be able to offer any advice on this as I'm not sure who actually has the AMX Studio software. As far as i'm made aware by AMX, this is only for use by developers at AMX, and they've done us a huge favour by passing this software on to us.

We wanted to create our own layouts and templates. We've managed to make basic templates with animations etc.

Now we want to create our own layout. We've unzipped an existing layout TPK that we have and i'm essentially trying to reverse engineer this layout. I've tweaked it visually, but it won't load when I import it and assign the layout message to the playlist - it just sits on the 'initializing' screen.

Now - the only thing I can see straight away is that i'm missing a file called 'area_container.itm'. This is linked into each playlist area e.g 16x9, 10x1 and 5x3. I'm not sure what this does and I can't upload the TPK without it.

I don't suppose anybody has any experience of editing / creating layouts using AMX Studio?


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    champchamp Posts: 261
    The reason AMX doesn't hand out Studio will become apparent when you read the following instructions.
    AI copied this from a document called 'Setting up and using Ranmorizer.pdf', ask AMX for a copy as it also contains instructions on creating feedreels. I'd post it but am not sure if it is allowed.

    You need to create your design of the layout in Studio.
    The Root of the Layout file needs to be set to Client Alignment so that it plays continuously.
    The layout can be designed like any normal template but needs Playlists or Clipping Playlists created for your templates to run within.
    These playlists need to be named in the form “Area(A<AspectRatio>)”
    E.g.. Area(A16x9), Area(A26x1), Area(A10x1), etc.
    It is very important to keep to this naming convention because Ranmorizer and Composer automatically generate playlists and assign templates to these playlists based upon this and metadata.
    If you have multiple areas with the same aspect ratio you can differentiate from them with the inclusion of a letter before the close bracket. E.g. Area(A3x4b)
    The Playlists also need to be set to Client align duration.
    It is recommended that you scale the playlist’s bounds to the correct scale for the Aspect Ratio specified. So an Area(A16x9) playlist has the correct bounds to give it a 16x9 shape so that 16x9 content will play normally and not appear stretched/squashed.
    Note: Anything inside of the Area Playlists will be deleted when the Layout is Ranmorized.
    A variable needs to be added named “Layout:AspectRatio”
    The value needs to be set as the same Aspect Ratio of the Layout (usually A16x9 or A9x16).

    Template builder
    The Layout file then needs to be templated in Template Builder. Here you can template any colours, Images within the actual Layout.
    A preview JPEG needs to be created and it is helpful here to indicate the names of the playlists visually to the areas they occupy.

    Open Ranmorizer.
    Select the Layout Creation Tab.
    Click the “Create Layout” button.
    Select the file you wish to convert to a Ranmorized ModalLayout.
    Ranmorizer will process the file you have selected and generate the following files:
    <OriginalFilename>_ModalLayout.jpg (in the Previews subfolder).

    TPK Builder
    When building a TPK with a Layout you need to change the File filter from Item Files (*Item*.itm) to “All Item Files (*.itm) then select the _ModalLayout.itm AND _vLayout.itm.
    Do not select your original Layout file that you created in Studio.
    There will be Missing Files named “[Default]\LayoutControl_LayoutMode_Wrapper.itm” and “[Default]\Area_Container.itm” this is normal, they are architecture files that will be on the player that we do not want to overwrite.
    Continue to build the TPK. When you get to “Confirm XML Inclusion in MetaData” page make sure to tick the box “Include PlaylistData.XML” because this is the file that Composer uses to generate the Playlists that you created in your original Studio layout file.
    After building TPKBuilder will report that “Area_Container.itm” and “LayoutControl_LayoutMode_Wrapper.itm” were not found, as mentioned previously this is fine.

    Import the template pack to Composer, create a layout item and put it into the layout playlist, put items into the playlist then publish it.
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    Thanks for that - That sounds like I'm missing out the Ranmorizer step - I shall have a go later!

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    champ wrote: »
    After building TPKBuilder will report that “Area_Container.itm” and “LayoutControl_LayoutMode_Wrapper.itm” were not found, as mentioned previously this is fine.

    So i've had a go - it does report that Area_Container.itm is missing - but fails to build the TPK as a result. Says that it can't build whilst there is an error message. What can i do?
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    champchamp Posts: 261
    Oh, I forgot about the registry hack to ignore that error.

    We need to add a key in the registry to allow TPKBuilder to continue building a TPK when there is a missing file.
    Open the registry (Run->Regedit)
    Navigate to:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Inspiration Matters/Inspired Signage/TPKBuilder/Default/Options
    If you cannot find this it may be at:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE /Inspiration Matters/Inspired Signage/TPKBuilder/Default/Options
    You may need to create the Options Key if it is not present.
    In the Options Key right click. New -> DWORD (32-bit)Value
    Name this:
    Double Click on the new DWORD “IgnoreFatal” and change base to “Decimal” then enter Value data: 1
    Then click OK.
    You may also wish to check that the “FontRepository” key is set correctly, usually it should be C:\Windows\Fonts

    NOTE: Please be aware now that you will need to take special care to read the output of TPKBuilder because it will now build TPKs even if there is an error.
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