I have 2 identical installations where keypads are combined with touch panels. One installation has a ni-2100 combined with a NI-4100 and the other a nI3100 combined with a ni700.
On the second installation, the combine command is not working. When I press a button, feedback is turned on, but the button does not go into the on state.
Any ideas?
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I have 2 identical installations where keypads are combined with touch panels. One installation has a ni-2100 combined with a NI-4100 and the other a nI3100 combined with a ni700.
On the second installation, the combine command is not working. When I press a button, feedback is turned on, but the button does not go into the on state.
Any ideas?
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Is the code literally identical in each installation?
Do you mean you see momentary feedback on the keypad but the button should stay on?
If you are referring to the touch panel then maybe the button feedback is set to momentary rather than channel.
Are the button pushes working correctly when combined?
The feedback that changes the button state is a string that is feedback from a ClearOne SR-1212. I send the ClearOne a "'#G1 MUTE 2 I 1',$0D" and the devices string command sets the mute[xxx] variable to 1. If I send a "'#G1 MUTE 2 I 0',$0D" and the devices string command sets the mute[xxx] variable to 0. in this case, xxx = keypad set as device 116. The AMX system doesn't set the feedback, the device does.
Original program runs on NI-4100, Feedback is on NI 2100
dvKEYPAD116=116:1:1 //Classroom ROOM 301
dvTP116=128:19:2 //Classroom ROOM 301
Program on ni-2100
[dvKEYPAD116,8] = (MUTE[116] = 0) //room 303
New Install runs completely on on NI-3100 NI-700 acts like a slave.
dvKEYPAD116=116:1:1 //Darussalam Womens Prayer womens prayer ok
dvTP116=128:19:2 //Darussalam Womens Prayer
[dvKEYPAD116,8] = (MUTE[116] = 0) //Darussalam Womens Prayer audio Mute
[dvTP116,8] = (MUTE[116] = 0) //Darussalam Womens Prayer audio Mute -- I added this into the code to see if the tp would work and it does, but this is duplication code and an annoyance.
The first project is across multiple buildings and has programs loaded on both systems in case of a link failure.
The second project is within the same rack. I don't see why I need to maintain a dual set of code.
The Novara keypads are stil old style arent they?
Update feedback with send_serial ....
They're SP-08-AX-US keypads.
Problem solved. - I wasn't up on current best practices. I added to my variables DEV vdvKeypad101[] ={dvKEYPAD101,dvTP101}, etc,etc and changed my feedback to [vdvkeypad116,8] = (MUTE[116] = 0) and the replication worked across the different devices.
Thanks for the help.