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AMX IR file for Blu-ray players


I'm looking for the IR files for any recent model of Blu-ray players (Samsung or Sony). All model I can find from AMX database are old model and they are all discontinued. I'm wondering if anyone has IR file for any of the following model, please

Samsung BD-F5900/ZC
Samsung BD-E5400/ZC
Sony BDPS5100
Sony BDPS3100

Thank you,


  • rmjstsrmjsts Posts: 19
    one word: IRIS
  • GregGGregG Posts: 251
    I like to try looking in the latest RTI database first - if you export all the devices in their master database as a copy, then you can open up the IR codes and edit/view the pronto-style hex codes for import into IREdit.

    It's tedious work though.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Here are two SAMSUNG and a SONY, they cover 99% of the models. (100% of what I've seen, at least).
    These IRL files are in the format we use for our software, you may need to re-order the commands to meet your own standards. Fully labelled commands... though the "hand set" and "remote model" fields may have nothing to do with the actual models.
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