EDID Programmer Error

Help please, we need to write EDID with audio. I have a problem with "EDID Programmer v1.2.1" software and switcher Optima AVS-OP-0808-DD0.
After "Query AutoPatch Device", I can see the switcher, but when I click "Refresh Display List" - field is blank. If I click "Read", I see error and program closes.
Error screen -
or https://www.dropbox.com/s/l5q6415k8rq5up7/EDID%20Programmer%20Error.png
Help please, we need to write EDID with audio. I have a problem with "EDID Programmer v1.2.1" software and switcher Optima AVS-OP-0808-DD0.
After "Query AutoPatch Device", I can see the switcher, but when I click "Refresh Display List" - field is blank. If I click "Read", I see error and program closes.
Error screen -
or https://www.dropbox.com/s/l5q6415k8rq5up7/EDID%20Programmer%20Error.png
I had the same issue with this program and my notebook (hp elitebook 6930p, windows XP professional). After I tried with another older notebook from a colleague (also windows XP professional) the program works fine. It seems to be a hardware, program compatibility issue. If possible try with another notebook.
I'm getting the same issue but don't currently have the option of using an old laptop.
Did anyone find a resolution to this?
C:\Program Files\AutoPatch\DGX Configuration Software1.0\bin