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"Transfer Aborted - Unknown reason" on IR file xfer to NXI

Another helpful diagnostic message from AMX.

I've successfully uploaded to this before and have no idea what's happening but I can't get past this error. I tried several different files, concerned that the IR file was corrupt, but nothing works. It's a file I'm trying to get into ports 8 and 9 of an NXI as 5003:8:0 and 5003:9:0.

Does anyone have any experience or insight?


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Do the devices you mention show up in the online tree?
  • youstrayoustra Posts: 135
    Hi - yes, I see 05003 - NXI Download with all 16 ports below.

    I can xfer the same IR file to an IR port on the NI4k and on a different NXI w/ no problem, but I get that error on that NXI. It's mapped to 5003:8:0.

    That particular NXI appears to be working fine otherwise.
  • champchamp Posts: 261
    Check all fields of the File Transfer Status tab.
    The most common error I make is having the IP address or system number incorrect.

    As it is device number 5003 I am guessing it is a slave device, I always do master to master so don't know if there are any special considerations of uploading IR to slave devices. Maybe you are connecting to the slave device when you should be going via the master.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Have you tried address 5003:8:1? (Or whatever system number is actually in use, not 0?)

    Have you tried "Get Available Memory" to see if you can talk to the IR port at all?
  • youstrayoustra Posts: 135
    Thanks all for the comments & ideas.

    I've checked all the fields and tried using system 1 instead of 0. No dice.

    One other note: during the file send, I always lose connection from NL Studio to the master.

    It shows 199 of 9089 bytes transferred. I've tried sending other files to the NI4K ports just to test if I had hit some capacity constraint, but they transfer fine.

    John - what do you mean by "get available memory?"
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    In IR EDIT, in the SEND dialog, there's a button that says "Check available Memory".
    On older units like the NXI, there is shared memory across several IR ports. You can't exceed the capacity, or you get cut off. The button asks how much room is available. It if is close to used up, you can't upload.

    Note that on NEWER units, like the 3100 with modern firmware, the button will always return 32,000 or something like that. It still does indicate that you are talking to an IR port; any other port or a bad port will time out.
  • youstrayoustra Posts: 135
    I don't think memory's the problem. I had uploaded IR files to other ports on the NI4K and a different NXI on the system.

    I usually xfer via NL Studio. I tried using IREdit on my Win XP SP3 machine to do get avail memory. It shows 32768 bytes.

    When I send from IREdit, IREdit crashes. So frustrating...
  • youstrayoustra Posts: 135
    OK - it looks like a hardware failure on the NXI for the first 4 IR ports. No problem w/ the second 4.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    quibralj wrote: »
    i think you need to format your disk via telnet. and send again your program.

    Nonsense. This poster has no idea what he's saying, and has littered many threads today with random comments. He may think he is helping.

    EDIT: Looks like all the silly posts by this new member have been deleted. They certainly didn't look like contributions.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I see you may have found your particular problem, but for information's sake, I have had IR file transfers fail when there is a bad code in the file as well. It's really tough finding them to, but in my case I had just recaptured an IR code when I started getting transfer failures. I re-did it, and it transferred after that.
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