Keypad and Keyboard System Page Templates: how to you set a prompt and default text?
I've made a copy of the _keypad and _keyboard System Page Templates in tp4 and customised them to bring them up into the 21st century for design, as well as to make them larger for the more fat-fingered users. If I make a call directly to the touch panel (MVP-7500 or NXT-CV7) I can bring up one of the default touch panel keypads or keyboards which allows me to set a default text prompt and initial text content when showing these popup pages using the "'@AKB-<initial text>;<prompt text>'" panel-specific call. The problem is that these keypad and keyboards brought up by this call are the default liquid blue "lickable" controls, and I don't know how to make the call to my own modified popups and take advantage of prompt fields and default text fields that making a call the the built-in ones on the panel provides. All of the other functions of this keyboard and keypad seem fine in operation: it's just the default text and prompt that I'm having problems with.
My only idea would be to change the text on the Text Area Prompt (Address 0:6) and the Text Area - single line (Address 0:4) using a "'^TXT-<vt addr range>,<button states range>,<new text>'" command for both. Is this going to cause any problems or is the best way of doing this sort of thing?
Also, I'm finding difficult to find any documentation on the range of options for Port 0 Channel, Address and Level options in TP4. Is there a better, more comprehensive document that explains these options in more detail?
I've posted this to the Netlinx Studio forum since it is likely to be resolved via Netlinx rather than via tp4.
Bill Lee
My only idea would be to change the text on the Text Area Prompt (Address 0:6) and the Text Area - single line (Address 0:4) using a "'^TXT-<vt addr range>,<button states range>,<new text>'" command for both. Is this going to cause any problems or is the best way of doing this sort of thing?
Also, I'm finding difficult to find any documentation on the range of options for Port 0 Channel, Address and Level options in TP4. Is there a better, more comprehensive document that explains these options in more detail?
I've posted this to the Netlinx Studio forum since it is likely to be resolved via Netlinx rather than via tp4.
Bill Lee
That works too. Personally, I tend not to go that route so I can delete stuff I don't want, etc., and have a different KB for different sources as needed. So I never even thought of it