Networked Time Protocol
Hi guys,
Has anyone tried to connect a Netlinx to a NTP server?
I did a concert hall slash conference senter a few years ago. The four bigger halls have 2-5 TPI-PROs with an ELO touchscreen to control lighting and AV. The AV and lighting are on two different systems and two different subnets also, per hall also just to complicate it even more. The problem is that I put a clock on each of the screens, which the customer loved, but they tend to run out of sync every few months.
I usually just VPN to the system and correct the time on all 16 NIs about every two months. But now my customer wants to connect every piece of networked equipment to a NTP server. They want to make it so every log their equipment spits out has the same timestamp.
My eager customer went ahead and made the network guys put up a NTP server/service on the router. Then I got the email saying I had to make it work on my stuff. No problem with most of my equipment, but not the NIs.
I have looked at the Clock Manager on the WebConsole, but it only support NIST. I also looked at the Clock Manager API that comes with the Netlinx.axi, but that it seems does the same thing as the webconsole.
So I come to you guys. Have you got a good idea for me to try, or have you already solved this problem?
Has anyone tried to connect a Netlinx to a NTP server?
I did a concert hall slash conference senter a few years ago. The four bigger halls have 2-5 TPI-PROs with an ELO touchscreen to control lighting and AV. The AV and lighting are on two different systems and two different subnets also, per hall also just to complicate it even more. The problem is that I put a clock on each of the screens, which the customer loved, but they tend to run out of sync every few months.
I usually just VPN to the system and correct the time on all 16 NIs about every two months. But now my customer wants to connect every piece of networked equipment to a NTP server. They want to make it so every log their equipment spits out has the same timestamp.
My eager customer went ahead and made the network guys put up a NTP server/service on the router. Then I got the email saying I had to make it work on my stuff. No problem with most of my equipment, but not the NIs.
I have looked at the Clock Manager on the WebConsole, but it only support NIST. I also looked at the Clock Manager API that comes with the Netlinx.axi, but that it seems does the same thing as the webconsole.
So I come to you guys. Have you got a good idea for me to try, or have you already solved this problem?
Thanks Greg.
After receiving a few complaints about the time being off on the TPs, I wrote the following function into my code to nip it in the bud, once and for all!
Just call the function on DEFINE_START and never worry about setting the time on your masters again!