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Need help - Can't extract src files - Dynazip error

I am having a bit of an odd problem with Studio and I'm hoping someone out there might be able to help. For some reason, I am no longer able to extract from SRC files. I get an error message that says "ZIP file read error!", I click "OK", I get a second, identical error message, hit "OK" again, then get "DynaZip UnZIP Error: Zip file structure invalid". I hit "OK" once again and get "Error extracting Netlinx Source Code file!" and no files are opened. I have tried extracting the files in Netlinx Studio Build as well as Netlinx Studio 4 Build 4.1.1251 and neither one works. I know for sure that I was able to extract from src files in Studio before, but don't know if I tried it in Studio 4 prior to this issue. Any ideas? Thanks.


  • Try to change file extension to .ZIP and open it in Windows explorer. If still doesn't work, open this file in notepad and see does it looks like archive file or not. You may have corrupted/blank file.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Was the file pulled via serial or Ethernet?
  • DarksideDarkside Posts: 345
    jjames wrote: »
    Was the file pulled via serial or Ethernet?
    ....looking forward to hearing where THIS is going! :-)
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    ....looking forward to hearing where THIS is going! :-)
    My experience out in the field, and while working here at AMX is that these Dynazip errors are usually from one of two things: 1) code was pulled via serial or 2) it's the first message you get before it prompts you for the password.

    I've found that pulling code via Ethernet has always resulted in usable SRC (okay, Zip) files afterward. Serial is good for a CLI - not for streaming data.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    A common failure for transfers by various methods is forgetting to set BINARY MODE, and all the characters are clipped to 7-bit...
  • kbarcokbarco Posts: 6
    thanks for the advice everyone. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to this, been a bit busy here. That's very interesting about the serial vs ethernet thing. I have not heard that before. I don't know about all the files I was trying, but I know one for certain was pulled via serial as the network was down onsite that day. I was able to dig up an old file that I had pulled a year or two ago and I was able to extract that one. I'll have to pull out my old 4000 and do some more testing now that I have something specific to look at.
    Thanks so much for the help!
  • alanhalanh Posts: 30
    Same issue many times

    I have had the same issue many time but tend to find if i upload the src file for a 2nd time over writing the 1st attempt it more often than not works, can't explain why but it seems pretty consistent in my experience.
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