TP button covers.

Hi everyone
I was just wondering what others are using to hold the small plastic covers that are used to cover the button holes on such panels as the AXD-MCP when the two sided tape loses it sticky. If someone has the part number for the tape that AMX uses or a manufacture.
I was just wondering what others are using to hold the small plastic covers that are used to cover the button holes on such panels as the AXD-MCP when the two sided tape loses it sticky. If someone has the part number for the tape that AMX uses or a manufacture.
When I read this, I couldn't help but picture a guy holding a little picture hanging nail up against the wall and another guy winding up with a 10lb sledge hammer
Well, that's got me beat.... best I've heard recently was a kid asking for a level so he could make sure the projector was parallel with the front wall. It was not a joke and the kid thought that the level would work if you just turn it on it's side.