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Apple style on/off slide button for G4

Dear All,
has anyone of you ever used/made an apple style on/off slide button for G4 panels ? If so, can you please share it with us ?



  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    I have not utilized the gestures in G4 as (IMHO) they have not been reliable and work differently enough from iThings that people are more confused by them than is worth my time to make work. G5s are better at it but I honestly don't find myself doing much with G5s. Being an independent programmer I tend to follow the Integration Firm's lead on project design and they rarely put in G5s unless necessary. I do have a slider-based "favorites" that works pretty well.
  • JasonSJasonS Posts: 229
    If it does not need to "slide" it is easy to do with 3 overlapping buttons all set to the same port and channel. First button will be background "track" section, i will typically do a border with black fill for off state and your feedback color for on state. Second button is the switch in the off position, off state is set to look like switch control, on position is all transparent. Third button is the switch in the on position, off state all transparent, on state is set to look like switch control.

    In code whenever buttons are pressed, toggle state and update feedback.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    It can also be done with levels believe it or not.
  • ericmedley wrote: »
    It can also be done with levels believe it or not.

    ew. that made my inside hurt.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    zack.boyd wrote: »

    ew. that made my inside hurt.

  • Hi All,
    I made it with a "multi state" button using a circle icon as a text - AMX icons library. I'm just changing the icon position on each state moving it to the right ( text X offset ). So simple...
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    But a multistate display does not correspond to the swipe behavior to activate. Your button will appear to slide when simply touched. Not the same. I like the levels notion. Most likely to feel authentic.
  • That's correct but it is something acceptable in most cases...
  • rmbaylinrmbaylin Posts: 1
    in TP5 (MXT-1001) we made a multi-state button (2 states) on Channel 40.

    Gesture swipe right sends ^ANI-40,2,2,0 to call the 'right side state'. A swipe left sends the command ^ANI-40,1,1,0 for left slide state.

    We also send a COMMAND with text 'CAM-2' on the right swipe, which the DATA_EVENT [dvTP] looks for a command with matching text of 'CAM-2'. When found we simply switch our Atlona switcher from nput to input 2.

    Swiping left generates 'CAM-1' as the command back to dvTP. Works!
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