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NX-4200 Disrupt

I need help with AMX Device (NX-4200) that's stuck on the starting up... display after transferring modified program file that was already running on it.


  • richardhermanrichardherman Posts: 404
    edited May 2019

    Please don't double post.

    Find the PRD (Program Run Disable) switch on the back and flip it to on. Reboot and see it it will. If it does the problem is with the updated program.

    On the dipswitch block (rear panel) all 4 switches should be 'down' in default mode. Flip the leftmost switch to 'up' and reboot.
    For more information see the manual.

  • Duncan EllisDuncan Ellis Posts: 170

    it depends on the boot options you have set in setup. If you do like I have done by accident before and accidentally download a module file instead of the proper AXS file - it will just keep rebooting - As Richard suggested above, set PRD and clean out your program.

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