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NetLinx Studio theme

HenrysotoHenrysoto Posts: 10
edited July 2019 in NetLinx Studio

I know there was an old thread already but i couldn't manage to find it, so i thought it would be a good idea to make a new one to share your NetLinx's theme/customizations with others! :)

Here is mine, basically, i copied the famous dracula theme, i don't even know if it was already made but.. anyway, i am also using Ubuntu Mono as my main font and Andale Mono for output,notif and diagnostics.

Link to epx file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19RKXLupDdM58DZ5cr8n2bY5FR_JnFbOd/view?usp=sharing


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177

    Mine is hilariously Fred Flintstone hacker black. My eyesight is terrible. So my letters are pretty huge compared to most folks.

  • Oh. For the dumb-asses :s (me!,me!) who imported the .EPX file without first saving the default, is there some kind folk who can export the default settings as an .EPX file, so I can get back to the 'out-of-the-box' experience?

    Reinstalling doesn't seem to work, after a fresh install it started up with the 'Dracula' settings...

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0

    I believe this to contain the default studio EDITOR (only) properties.

  • sentry07sentry07 Posts: 77

    Does this count? :) Using OneDark Pro.

  • @sentry07 said:
    Does this count? :) Using OneDark Pro.

    No. That's cheating... :D VS Code....

  • @HARMAN_Chris said:
    I believe this to contain the default studio EDITOR (only) properties.

    Thanks. The link doesn't seem to work for me though; not in Firefox, Edge or Credge (Chromium based Edge..)
    Copy and pasting the link, takes me to an empty page in all 3 browsers.

  • sentry07sentry07 Posts: 77

    One you've tried VSCode, you'll never go back. :)

  • sentry07sentry07 Posts: 77

    @richardherman said:

    @HARMAN_Chris said:
    I believe this to contain the default studio EDITOR (only) properties.

    Thanks. The link doesn't seem to work for me though; not in Firefox, Edge or Credge (Chromium based Edge..)
    Copy and pasting the link, takes me to an empty page in all 3 browsers.

    Manually highlight the URL, copy and paste it into the address bar.


  • @sentry07 said:
    One you've tried VSCode, you'll never go back. :)

    I know, I use it, but not as a NetLinx Studio replacement. I actually think that NS isn't that bad, and I like the integration of debugging, online tree, control a device etc. I don't want to invest too much time learning new things relating to AMX control, until I see clear signs from them that my investment will be worth it. So, just idling along with NS... :/

  • @sentry07 said:

    @richardherman said:

    @HARMAN_Chris said:
    I believe this to contain the default studio EDITOR (only) properties.

    Thanks. The link doesn't seem to work for me though; not in Firefox, Edge or Credge (Chromium based Edge..)
    Copy and pasting the link, takes me to an empty page in all 3 browsers.

    Manually highlight the URL, copy and paste it into the address bar.


    Doh. I'll just blame it on the heat. It's 19:43 here and 33.7 degrees celcius at my computer (93 degrees Fahrenheit). Yeahh, that's a good excuse.. o:)

    It worked, but as Chris said, it seems editor only, so basically the same as the default button in the 'Preferences' > 'Editor - Highlighting and fonts' tab. So still some work to do... That'll teach me to think before clicking!

  • @Henrysoto ; sorry for kinda hijacking your thread because of my 'oops' moment. I didn't dislike the (color) scheme, but the font seemed proportional (nothing lined up) and was just too big. Needed to do some work so wanted to go back to 'default'. Once I have a complete default .EPX file, it's easy enough to try again. Thanks for posting.

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    Have you tried a clean reinstall, removing all bits from the related AMX and shared folders after an uninstall? Hard to imagine the editor settings reside somewhere else....

  • sentry07sentry07 Posts: 77

    Nope. It's all in the registry.

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AMX Corp.\NetLinx Studio

    Editor Preferences and General Options seem to be the two with the UI settings in them. There's no differentiation between 3.0 and 4.0 so I assume they're shared.

  • HenrysotoHenrysoto Posts: 10

    @richardherman no worries :wink:
    @sentry07 actually i tried using VS code with your extension, but i think i am too used to NS.. and i kind of miss NS's auto-completion, i don't know if it's missing keywords but i can't get it to work properly on VS. :'(

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    One must wonder how the values get in the registry if a new install won't put them there.

  • sentry07sentry07 Posts: 77
    edited July 2019

    @John Nagy I imagine that Netlinx Studio looks for those settings when it starts up and if it doesn't find them it adds the default settings. Exporting those two folders to back them up, then deleting them from the registry and restarting Netlinx studio may rebuid the default settings in there.

    @Henrysoto Sorry to hear that. PM me and I can take a look at any issues you have. There are certain things I haven't built yet, like a full language server (which I may not ever do because of the enormous pain in the ass it is), and there are things that just don't work properly without the language server, such as scoped autocompletion and structure element completion and all the really nice things. However, the power of VSCode as an IDE with code snippets, multicursor support, line manipulation, code comparing, bracket checking, etc. just puts so many great tools in your hands. Not that NS isn't a good IDE, but it is pretty old and needs some new tools. Would love it if we could get some OEM developers working on it to flesh out the full language in VSCode but I don't know the full roadmap for Netlinx and how long to expect it being supported.

  • HenrysotoHenrysoto Posts: 10

    @sentry07 Oh don't get me wrong, VSCode is great, i use it a lot with other languages, I think there are many great features :) I didn't even know that NS was still supported lol

  • bririebririe Posts: 1
    edited April 2023

    Putting this here so I can find it later ;)

    "Dark Mode" and "Default Theme" for Netlinx Studio:

    VSCode OneDark Pro Theme and Default Theme (rename attachments - remove the .txt extension)

    Fira Mono Regular font: https://github.com/mozilla/Fira/tree/master/ttf

  • dongjindongjin Posts: 12

    Can anyone tell me what this is, is it a modification of the NetLinx Studio 4 software display style?And how to use this thing.Grateful.

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