Shortcut for G4 javacript

does anyone know if it is possible to create a shortcut for G4 panel's web control? In other words, is it possible to open the web control panel without opening the Netlinx master's web control page first?
I tried to create a shortcut from a master's web control page by dragging a G4 link to desired location but it doesn't work - probably because the javascipt is located in the master (or in panel?) and the shortcut doesn't contain any ip address. The content of my shortcut is simply "javascript: showPanel('','5900','CV12')"
If I first go to master's web control page (by typing master's ip in the browser) and then copy and paste the G4 shortcut to browser's address bar then it works.
does anyone know if it is possible to create a shortcut for G4 panel's web control? In other words, is it possible to open the web control panel without opening the Netlinx master's web control page first?
I tried to create a shortcut from a master's web control page by dragging a G4 link to desired location but it doesn't work - probably because the javascipt is located in the master (or in panel?) and the shortcut doesn't contain any ip address. The content of my shortcut is simply "javascript: showPanel('','5900','CV12')"
If I first go to master's web control page (by typing master's ip in the browser) and then copy and paste the G4 shortcut to browser's address bar then it works.
Here is a shortcut you can try. This will open the G4 panel in a browser window with the toolbar and scroll bars. If you want to duplicate the same type of window you see when you click the link on the master?s web control page then I think you?ll have to create your own custom html page with the JavaScript embedded to open a pop up window.
Assuming your master is and your G4 panel is and the port # being used is 5900 then the shortcut would be:
Note: I had to put an extra space between the [url]http://[/url] and 192. or the URL gets abbreviated when I post.
thanks for your reply! This is enough at the moment. Now I think I'll have to learn some more html coding to create a custom page ;-)