Clock management on TP

Can someone clarify whether Touch Panels sync own clocks with Netlinx controller? I mean do TP themselves ask for time&date from the controller?
I know about system 'CLOCK' command, - this is not what I am talking about; that is rather TP internal (firmware) time sync forcing, if any. Looking for both G3 and G4...
I know about system 'CLOCK' command, - this is not what I am talking about; that is rather TP internal (firmware) time sync forcing, if any. Looking for both G3 and G4...
When you modify the time of a panel you are actually changing the time of the Master. Which in turn modify's all the connected panel's time. This is applicable for both G3 and G4 panels.
1) G3 panels have their own internal clocks which can run fast or slow even from each other
2) When and change is made to a G3 panel's clock or to the master it will update all panels connected via axlink including a 2way wireless panel (VPN-CPs)
3) The !i-timemanager works very well for keeping accurate time on all panels, however there was a think with previous versions of firmware, were you had to update the panels yourself with the master's internet syncd time