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Customer brought in Six MT-702 units (out of warranty), all 6 with the same video sync (?) problem...... duplicate
images of AMX logo on boot-up, scrolling from l to r. Is this a common problem?? Where to suspect? Loose cable(s)/connectors contact/etc..... suggestions welcomed.


  • My only suggestion would be to open the panel and reseat all cables and the PCB boards.

  • Many thanks, Marc ..... reseated the daughter board (MODEROX-G5 SOM) but no luck...... trying to figure out how to remove Main PCB (INTERFACE BOARD 7/10 MODERO E) to reseat cables ... fingers crossed!

  • The count is now up to 12 panels... all same problem..... all cables re-seated, & motherboard, as suggested but no solution. Surely I am not the only customer suffering this problem?

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0

    Peter, do you have a support case opened on this? considering the volume you have encountered, my assumption would be that support would have seen this before and could provide guidance. I am not aware of this issue, but obviously have a limited sample size.

  • emdx71emdx71 Posts: 49

    We saw this quite a bit with older firmware. Not sure what the difference is but updating to the latest made it stop happening if its not the boards that are loose. we have about 60 or 70 and roughly half had this issue.

  • Thanks, HARMAN_Chris & emdx71, for the feedback. Will enlighten our software tech. guys ..... hopefully it solves the problem for some.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0

    Most recent hotfix firmware is found here: https://help.harmanpro.com/g5-md-mt-touchpanel-hotfix-firmware

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