Netlink Studio 2.4.129 ? One thumb up, one thumb down

I installed Netlinx Studio 2.4.129 and found the following:
The ?What?s New? doesn?t list anything as new for this version. The only documentation is bulleted in the download section as follows:
New Features:
Support for VisualArchitect generated APW files
BUG FIX - Compiler output wasn't completely scrollable
BUG FIX - Axcess Compiler output was reporting different filename than sourcefile
BUG FIX - Diagnostic output was jittery
BUG FIX - Asynch notifications could disable Push output if started after push
Here is what I?ve found after using NS 2.4.129 for about 10 minutes:
Thumbs Up:
1) Auto suggest for the embedded objects (BUTTON.INPUT, DATA.DEVICE, etc) that used to work 2 versions ago and was broken last version is now back and working correctly. Glad to have you back.
2) The jittery Diagnostic and Notifications windows has indeed been fixed. My eyes thank you.
Thumbs Down:
1) If you enable Notifications for All devices and All options you get absolutely nothing. You need to add each device separately.
2) I didn?t know that the last BUG FIX listed above was a bug but now the Enable the Push Message Status Display doesn?t work at all if you Enable Notifications. It doesn?t matter which one is started first, you just plain can?t have both.
Can anyone else confirm the problems I found? Does anyone else have any feedback on NS 2.4.129?
The ?What?s New? doesn?t list anything as new for this version. The only documentation is bulleted in the download section as follows:
New Features:
Support for VisualArchitect generated APW files
BUG FIX - Compiler output wasn't completely scrollable
BUG FIX - Axcess Compiler output was reporting different filename than sourcefile
BUG FIX - Diagnostic output was jittery
BUG FIX - Asynch notifications could disable Push output if started after push
Here is what I?ve found after using NS 2.4.129 for about 10 minutes:
Thumbs Up:
1) Auto suggest for the embedded objects (BUTTON.INPUT, DATA.DEVICE, etc) that used to work 2 versions ago and was broken last version is now back and working correctly. Glad to have you back.
2) The jittery Diagnostic and Notifications windows has indeed been fixed. My eyes thank you.
Thumbs Down:
1) If you enable Notifications for All devices and All options you get absolutely nothing. You need to add each device separately.
2) I didn?t know that the last BUG FIX listed above was a bug but now the Enable the Push Message Status Display doesn?t work at all if you Enable Notifications. It doesn?t matter which one is started first, you just plain can?t have both.
Can anyone else confirm the problems I found? Does anyone else have any feedback on NS 2.4.129?
Sorry Joe,
My install of Studio works perfectly. There are no problems with notifications for all devices and push status works at the same time.
I suggest you reinstall Studio.
Now if they only applied that logic when using INCLUDE files.
Also, I just noticed I can't ALWAYS get the embedded objects for structures I've made. I am new to the whole structure thing, so I'm not sure if this has always been a problem, or if it became a problem with the previous version (along with all the other embedded object issues) and didn't get fixed this time around.
No need to reinstall. I should have thought the problem out more thoroughly before posting. The attached picture explains why I didn?t see any notifications for the two devices in question (5001:1:10 ? RS-232 port 1 and 10001:1:10 the TP.) Those are the only two devices that would have generated any events for the project I had open at the time. The picture also explains why the push status didn?t work when notifications was enabled.
When Select All for All Devices is in the list I incorrectly assumed that it meant just that. I didn?t realize you could override All Devices and filter out a particular device by adding it to list and doing a Deselect All. A very cool feature that makes perfect sense, however, dummy me didn?t realize that?s the way it works.
I assume the push status bar display code is a subset of the notifications code which would explain why the push status didn?t work for me when Notifications was enabled.
So bottom line, I apologize for the brain fart and for crying wolf. I change my review to a full two thumbs up - as if anyone cares what I think.
Thanks for the feedback Brian and Jeremiah.
Here is my theory: I believe if there are more than 470 characters (give or take a few) between the second T in STRUCT and the closing brace } then auto suggest for that STRUCTURE is broken. Furthermore, I believe the 470 character limit includes everything up to the brace including the STRUCTURE name, the length of the keywords themselves (Like INTEGER vs. CHAR), carriage returns, spaces, and comments ? everything.
Note: Testing was done with the latest Netlinx Studio (version 2.4.129)
Consider the following code:
Compile the code and under DEFINE_START test auto suggest by typing in:
When you type in the period auto suggest will list out the data members as expected.
Now change the Keyword STRUCT to STRUCTURE, recompile and test auto suggest in the same manner. Auto suggest is broken.
Now change one of the INTEGER keywords to CHAR, recompile and test auto suggest again. Auto suggest works again.
Now add a couple of line feeds between one of the variables, recompile and test auto suggest once more. Auto suggest is broken.
Try removing ? last? in the comment after TestVar11, recompile and test auto suggest yet again. It?s works now.
Try one last test by commenting out the last two variables, recompile and test. Auto suggest is broken.
I hope we can get more than 470 characters to play with. As shown in the example code above, the limit as it is now doesn?t give us a whole lot of space to work with.
Does anyone care to test and confirm/refute my theory?
Do I need to open foot and insert mouth for the second time in one thread?