Unspecified error generating panel file
I just created a new project for the sole purpose of generating a touch panel using the Khaki template as a starting point for a system upgrade from an old Axcent project to a NetLinx. The salesperson for the project really likes the Khaki design and wanted to use it for this job.
Not surprisingly, most of the system devices weren't in the VA database. SInce I have no intention of using the generated code anyway, this was not a problem. I substituted the closest devices that did exist, just so the appropriate screens would be included in my panel. I connected everything as required, and tried to generate the files. The NetLinx code (which I am just going to toss) generated without error, but it would not create the panel file. The only notification I got at all was "The operation failed."
I cannot begin to describe how utterly frustrating it is to have such a useless error message. I have no idea where to even begin trying to fix it. I have been reluctant to use VA at all because I see no benefit from it, and I dislike being locked into it's design assumtions - I thought at least I could save some time in creating a new panel design from scratch, but apparently it's useless even for that. Right now, I am more than unhappy with this product, and to satisfy my sales team and this customer, I now have to figure out a way to duplicate this panel design manually. Nope, I'm not happy at all ...
Not surprisingly, most of the system devices weren't in the VA database. SInce I have no intention of using the generated code anyway, this was not a problem. I substituted the closest devices that did exist, just so the appropriate screens would be included in my panel. I connected everything as required, and tried to generate the files. The NetLinx code (which I am just going to toss) generated without error, but it would not create the panel file. The only notification I got at all was "The operation failed."
I cannot begin to describe how utterly frustrating it is to have such a useless error message. I have no idea where to even begin trying to fix it. I have been reluctant to use VA at all because I see no benefit from it, and I dislike being locked into it's design assumtions - I thought at least I could save some time in creating a new panel design from scratch, but apparently it's useless even for that. Right now, I am more than unhappy with this product, and to satisfy my sales team and this customer, I now have to figure out a way to duplicate this panel design manually. Nope, I'm not happy at all ...
By the way, I can edit my project without the problem coming back. Apparently, it only occurs on creation of a new project. I don't have time to try to nail it down any better than that this morning though ...