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hex to binary (Vantage)

I am using a Vantage system to control my lighting. The AMX module does not seem to work for my application where Keypad IDs start at 65. So I am creating my own code for control. Vantage reports back keypad led information as a hex number. Does anyone know how to convert a hex number into binary. With binary I will be able to give client feedback for lighting...with hex I'm not sure how. Thanks for any help.


  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    The easy way is use your PC's calculator > view > scientific.
  • Thanks, but I'm looking for more of a programming solution.
  • Hextoi

    We covered this just a couple of days ago in a different thread.

    Look up HEXTOI in the help text. I think that's what you are looking for.
  • Thanks Mark, but I think this might only be part of what I am looking for. If I can convert hex to integer can I then convert integer to a binary value? Or am I not understanding something?
  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    troberts wrote:
    I am using a Vantage system to control my lighting. The AMX module does not seem to work for my application where Keypad IDs start at 65. So I am creating my own code for control. Vantage reports back keypad led information as a hex number. Does anyone know how to convert a hex number into binary. With binary I will be able to give client feedback for lighting...with hex I'm not sure how. Thanks for any help.

    I'm guessing that you're getting ascii characters that are a hex representation of an integer.
    If that's so, then the first thing you need to do is to get an integer and you can do this with the HEXTOI function. So, if the device returns the hex string 'AA' (decimal 170), you would have:
    sStringFromVantage = 'AA'
    nIntegerValue = HEXTOI(sStringFromVantage)
    now that you have the integer, I'm assuming you need to extract the bit information and format it in some way. Not too long ago, someone posted a Word document that went into the Netlinx bitwise operations (find it by searching the forums for "bitwise") and this document explains how to get the bit values from an integer.

    Or, you can just divide the integer by 2 repeatedly and the remainders will be the bit values.

    If your bits are numbered 1 to 8 from right to left, you could do:
    nIntegerValueTemp = nIntegerValue 
    for (i = 1; i < 9; i++)
       nBit[i] = nIntegerValueTemp % 2
       nIntegerValueTemp  = nIntegerValueTemp  / 2
    now, the integer array nBit[] holds the bit values.

    sBitString = "ITOA(nBit[8]),ITOA(nBit[7]),ITOA(nBit[6]),ITOA(nBit[5]),ITOA(nBit[4]),ITOA(nBit[3]),ITOA(nBit[2]),ITOA(nBit[1])"

    That will result in:

    sBitString = '10101010'

    and 170 = $AA = 10101010b
  • This look great! Thanks Harold!!
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    That would give you an ASCII representation of the binary - is that really what you wanted? If you are trying to compare bits to check status, it is almost certainly more efficient to use bitwise operators, and no conversion is necessary, you can use them directly on the numeric value whatever form it is in.
  • I am looking for the actual binary value, not the ASCII representation. So...would I be able to use any of Harold's example?
  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    troberts wrote:
    I am looking for the actual binary value, not the ASCII representation. So...would I be able to use any of Harold's example?

    I guess I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do. The integer value doesn't actually change when you display it in different formats -- what you see is just various ways to represent an integer value in an interface.

    If you need the status of a particular bit, that is stored in the variable nBit in the code sample that I posted before. You can also extract whatever information about the binary using the bitwise operators though if all you want to do is extract a bit's status, I find it easier on my brain to just do it with the modulus operator.

    If you want to use these for feedback, an example using the IO ports might look like:

    for (i = 1; i < 9, i++)
    [dvIO,i] = nBit
    assuming that channel 1 represents the least significant bit.
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    I think you would be best served carefully reading the Tech Note concerning "Bitwise Operations", especially the introduction. http://www.amx.com/techsupport/techNote.asp?id=518
    troberts wrote:
    I am looking for the actual binary value, not the ASCII representation. So...would I be able to use any of Harold's example?
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Oh, you could use Harold's example,it's just not the most efficient way of doing it. You are converting a number to a string, then you need to compare your values to various parts of that string character by character, each comparison using yet another set of string functions. In the end, it probably doesn't use enough processor time to matter, but my opinion in this particular case is you should use bitwise comparisons. It's just cleaner coding practice, and if you ever do wind up wiriting a monster program, you might need those saved processor cycles.
  • troberts wrote:
    I am looking for the actual binary value, not the ASCII representation. So...would I be able to use any of Harold's example?

    That's the second time that troberts has asked for the "binary value" and made no mention of bits.

    hextoi converts an ASCII representation of the hex value of whatever into a number.

    The number IS binary.
  • I think I understand this better now. Thanks to all that gave help. What is still a little confusing is the

    Num = HEXTOI('126EC') // Num = 75500

    Num doesnt look like binary, but I now know what I need to do, so thanks to all again.
  • decimal, hex, octal, binary...to the machine it's all the same. Those number systems were created to describe a number for people, and that is all. Machines deal in binary. People undestand decimal. Hex was made because of the way number are stored (8 bit multiples of widths).

    The processor sees $126EC == 75500== 0223354 == 10010011011101100

    They're all numnerical representation of the same number (hex, decimal, octal, binary)
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    decimal, hex, octal, binary...to the machine it's all the same. Those number systems were created to describe a number for people, and that is all. Machines deal in binary. People undestand decimal. Hex was made because of the way number are stored (8 bit multiples of widths).

    The processor sees $126EC == 75500== 0223354 == 10010011011101100

    They're all numnerical representation of the same number (hex, decimal, octal, binary)

    This is true, but it's the ASCII that throws people all the time. It gets very confusing, becase a numeral 1 is just 1, but the ASCII 1 has a numerical of 49 ... yet we use the same glyph, "1," to represent both, and the context does not always make it clear which one is needed.
  • I remember my CompSci teacher explaining hex to us at the age of 15... I had no idea what he was talking about.

    I won't say when it was, but everyone in the class had very long hair.
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    DHawthorne wrote:
    This is true, but it's the ASCII that throws people all the time. It gets very confusing, becase a numeral 1 is just 1, but the ASCII 1 has a numerical of 49 ... yet we use the same glyph, "1," to represent both, and the context does not always make it clear which one is needed.
    Yes, and I've seen a few protocols that require you to send ACSII characters representing hex values, for instance the string 'FF' which is different than the hexidecimal FF (255).

    SEND_STRING dev,"'ka 1 A',$0D";
    SEND_STRING dev,"'ka 1 ',$0A,$0D"; // NOT THE SAME
  • mpullin wrote:
    Yes, and I've seen a few protocols that require you to send ACSII characters representing hex values,

    Yeah, and that's rarely apparent from the manual because they don't show an example.
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