Vantage Infusion Driver in 1.2?!
I fired up version 1.2 to check it out and found there was a driver for Vantage InFusion! Now maybe it has been there in other versions but it was news to me. The drawback, I can't seem to download the driver from the partner site - is there any way to get documentation for the driver? You may have saved me a lot of hours!
I try to control an Infusion system with AMx module, and when I send file to master I get that
, The failed tranferts files are normal?
I got no error when I compiling yhe program but....
I send but the light still on ( it's not a light but a relay sceen control)
any cue?
On a side note, AMX is revamping this module. Feedback does not currently work, so if you are using the current module don't expect to get feedback. I would be happy to send you an include file that controls buttons and gets LED feedback wether the light is on or off. If you have a large system you are better off writting your own module.
Also keep in mind despite what the help file says, the module does not send a STATUS ALL command to the Vantage system. You must send this command anytime the Vantage reboots to the Vantage.