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How many of touch panel can NI connect by ethernet?

HI all
i would like to know how many of touch panel can NI connect by ethernet?




  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    Normally 31999 (as real devices are supposed to use numbers between 1 and 32000 non included from what I know) but main limit will be number of IP sockets that can be handled by master in same time. With latest firmware in Duet, I think that limit is pretty high, at least 300 or 400. Someone may confirm exact limit ?

  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    i guess 254 is the limit right?

    192.168.x.1 -> 192.168.x.254
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    YURI wrote:
    i guess 254 is the limit right?

    192.168.x.1 -> 192.168.x.254
    yes, on a class C subnet w/ a subnet mask of but A,B and different subnet mask the chart below lists the max number of poosible hosts.
    Class A Host/Subnet Table 
    Class A
    Number of
    Bits Borrowed            Subnet         Effective     Number of      Number of Subnet
    from Host Portion        Mask           Subnets       Hosts/Subnet   Mask Bits
    -------               ---------------  	---------     -------------  -------------
      1                      2       8388606           /9
      2                      4       4194302           /10
      3                      8       2097150           /11
      4                     16       1048574           /12
      5                     32        524286           /13
      6                     64        262142           /14
      7                    128        131070           /15
      8                    256         65534           /16
      9                  512         32766           /17
      10                1024         16382           /18
      11                2048          8190           /19
      12                4096          4094           /20
      13                8192          2046           /21
      14               16384          1022           /22
      15               32768           510           /23
      16               65536           254           /24
      17            131072           126           /25
      18            262144            62           /26
      19            524288            30           /27
      20           1048576            14           /28
      21           2097152             6           /29
      22           4194304             2           /30
      23           8388608             2*          /31Class B Host/Subnet Table 
    Class B	     Subnet               Effective       Effective    Number of Subnet
     Bits        Mask                 Subnets         Hosts        Mask Bits
    -------  ---------------          ---------       ---------    -------------
      1                2             32766        /17
      2                4             16382        /18
      3                8              8190        /19
      4               16              4094        /20
      5               32              2046        /21
      6               64              1022        /22
      7              128               510        /23
      8              256               254        /24
      9            512               126        /25
      10           1024                62        /26
      11           2048                30        /27
      12           4096                14        /28
      13      	    8192                 6        /29
      14    	     16384                 2        /30
      15          32768                 2*       /31Class C Host/Subnet Table 
    Class C      Subnet       Effective  Effective  Number of Subnet
     Bits        Mask         Subnets     Hosts     Mask Bits
    -------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  --------------
      1      2        126        /25
      2      4         62        /26
      3      8         30        /27
      4     16         14        /28
      5     32          6        /29
      6     64          2        /30
      7    128          2*       /31

    The question is how many maintained TCP connection (TP's and other dievices) can Netlinx connect to simultaneously. LIke "vincen" said how many sockets can be open at once and further more how many socket can be open at once w/o ill effect to system resources.
  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    yuri wrote:
    i guess 254 is the limit right?
    192.168.x.1 -> 192.168.x.254

    Fully wrong as your panels don't need to be in same subnet, I connect some panels to remote masters through Internet ;)

  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    As Dirty Harry might say ? "A master?s got to know its limitations."

    From TechNote 469:
    Note: The maximum number of TCP/IP connections supported by a single master is 200 simultaneous TCP/IP connections.
    And from the AMX programming class:
    This includes connections to Netlinx Studio, Netlinx Diagnostics, Internet Inside Applications, URL List entries, and Ethernet devices such as the TPI4 and Modero panels.
    Maybe the limit has been increased with DUET but I haven?t run across any documentation stating so.
  • I just did the Programming II online test (ran out of excuses) and one of the questions was how many IP connections can be made simultaneously. Failing to find this information in the manuals, I wrote a program and on my non-Duet NI700 it failed at connection 201.
  • champchamp Posts: 261
    If you needed more simultaneous connections you could always use multiple masters which would make for limitless possibilities.

    I'd hate to be the coder who has to do it, debugging would be a nightmare and I'll bet the processors would get pretty bogged down.
  • hckhck Posts: 2
    NI TCP connections

    We have a system that has 40 or so TPI-4s, we have 7 remote masters and we have found that the NI-3100 will not allow over 200 TCP connections. The big problem is that each TPI takes 4 connections and the same for the remotes. We have found that with the ME-260/64 it will crash with older firmware, newer it will slow down and disconnect all devices. With a 3100 it will stop allowing any more connections into the system. So bottom line is do a "show max buffers" if the TCP connections on the IP mgr list is over 190 you are in big trouble. AMX has not given any good data on this and it would appear that they know about it but are not sure how to fix it. We have tried this with duet and not.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    hck wrote:
    ...we have found that the NI-3100 will not allow over 200 TCP connections... AMX has not given any good data on this and it would appear that they know about it but are not sure how to fix it.
    Scroll up to post #6 in this thread. AMX has documented the 200 simultaneous connection limit in both Tech Notes and in programming class.
  • hck wrote:
    AMX has not given any good data on this and it would appear that they know about it but are not sure how to fix it. We have tried this with duet and not.

    You write as if it is a bug that needs fixing. I see it as a feature, but not a nice one.

    You could install an additional NI700 and it will give you an extra 196 IP channels at minimal cost and only a very small change in the code. I think.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Joe Hebert wrote:
    Scroll up to post #6 in this thread. AMX has documented the 200 simultaneous connection limit in both Tech Notes and in programming class.
    And that number refers to all TCP/IP sockets not just TPs or DMS but any IP connection to equipment, RSS feeds, Email and basically anything that uses an IP_CLIENT_OPEN socket connection.

    The connection manager can only manage 200 sockets and that's it.
  • hck wrote:
    We have a system that has 40 or so TPI-4s, we have 7 remote masters and we have found that the NI-3100 will not allow over 200 TCP connections.

    On re-reading your post I see that you have 7 remote masters. Each one could give you an additional 196(ish) IP connections. You don't need to originate all of the IP connections to the TPI4s at your central controller. I believe that there is no performance implication in "hosting" the TPI4s remotely.
  • hckhck Posts: 2
    Little TPI secret...

    The problem I have is that they tell you it is 200 connections so one thinks that would be 200 devices right?? What really is going on is that each TPI takes 4 connection so the limit really is about 50 devices. I am not the programmer so not sure how to make the remote master take the TPI off the main master, if I take a remote TPI off line the number of connections does not go down, when I take a remote master off line the number goes down by 4.
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