Extron swp123

I cant get it to work I even called tech support still not routing what to do.....
//switcher routing
button_event [dvTP,30]
send_string dvSwth, " itoa (input),' * ',1,' !' " //same as '1*1'
//switcher routing
button_event [dvTP,30]
send_string dvSwth, " itoa (input),' * ',1,' !' " //same as '1*1'
send_string dvSwitcher,"'1*1!',13"
Also, it is possible for the RS232 electronics on the switcher to go bad. If everything is hooked up correctly, the switcher should give a string return to the AMX when a manual switch is made on the switcher front panel.
Do you have the software disc that came with the switcher? For most of the Extron switchers I have seen, Extron provides a Windows application that can be used to control the switcher. Test the unit with this software to verify that the switcher and its rs232 section are working properly. If you don't have the disc, the software is probably available at the Extron site for down load.
All recent Extron units that I have seen take a straight cable -- there were some that needed a null, I believe, but I haven't seen one of those in more than a couple years and it was old when I saw it.
I realize it may be a typo, but the above is NOT the same as '1*1!'. It's actually sending '1*\x01!'. Putting the 1 outside of single quotes means to treat it as an integer, not an ASCII character, so you get ASCII character 1, which is a control code, and not what the Extron wants.
Should be:
send_string dvSwth, " itoa(input), '*1!' " // same as '1*1!'
I just downloaded the SWP123 manual from the AMX website and the command you are sending is not in it. I guess it's possible it's an additional command but it does not follow the standard format of all other SWP123 commands.
You are using the protocol for Extron matrix switchers; in the example you give, you are switching A+V from input 1 to output 1.
According to the manual, the correct command is
where x = 1 means VGA, 2 is S-Video, etc.
As there is only 1 output available I'm not sure what the O01 is there for and the manual just might be wrong in that respect.
The manual does not suggest that a closing CR is required.
The correct string to send to an Extron matrix switcher is
where the third byte is ascii 1; you are sending, as Jeremy points out, binary 1.
A closing CR is not required.
I strongly suggest that you try typing the commands into a terminal emulator hooked to the device before you code it into your controller. That way you get the cabling, speeds and protocol right independent of any bugs in your code.
Try 2,3,5 straight through, and try swapping 2 and 3.
Speed etc:
The SWP123 can be configured for other speeds. Try a factory reset as described in the manual.
When setting up your terminal emulator, ensure that you have flow control off.
Also check the dipswitch settings as described in the manual which select RS232 or RS485..
From the Extron site it appears that the SWP123 is one of the old Inline products. It is labeled as 'retired.' Me too.
If you go to the Extron page for this switcher:
and click the "download" button you will find a software program for the switcher. It would seem to me that if you properly connect a PC to the switcher and try to manipulate it with the software provided by Extron, if it doesn't work, it's likely a problem with the switcher.
I haven't read the manual completely, but it looks like there may be some hardware switches on the device that might need to be checked.
I think I like the newer Extron products better than the old Inline.
(*switcher routing*)
data_event [dvSwth] //set transfer speed
wait 3
send_command dvSwth, "'SET BAUD 9600,N,8,1 485 Disable'" // send the string out to switcher
wait 50
send_string dvSwth,"'[ADDR02]'"
wait 50
SEND_STRING dvSwth,"'[CC02]'"
wait 50
SEND_STRING dvSwth,"'[CP1@]'"
wait 50
SEND_STRING dvSwth,"'[CP1?]'"
button_event [dvTP,30]
SEND_STRING dvSwth, "'[MS1O01I01]'"
wait 20
send_string dvProj, "$02, $03, $00, $00, $02, $01, $01, $09"
button_event [dvTP,31]
SEND_STRING dvSwth, "'[MS1O01I02]'"
wait 20
send_string dvProj, "$02, $03, $00, $00, $02, $01, $01, $09"
button_event [dvTP,32]
SEND_STRING dvSwth, "'[MS1O01I03]'"
wait 20
send_string dvProj, "$02, $03, $00, $00, $02, $01, $01, $09"
button_event [dvTP,33]
SEND_STRING dvSwth, "'[MS1O01I04]'"
wait 20
send_string dvProj, "$02, $03, $00, $00, $02, $01, $01, $09"
button_event [dvtp,34]
send_string dvSwth, "'[MS3O01I01]'"
wait 20
send_string dvProj, "$02, $03, $00, $00, $02, $01, $06, $0E"
New Extron devices use $0A,$0D, old ones don't